I want to be a Penguin (You're an animal!) Writing Contest by @maverickinvictus

Hello Steemians!

This is my entry for the contest of @maverickinvictus. I know its late but I want to join since it is a fun contest

If I were an animal I would be a "Penguin". A penguin is a flightless bird living in a cold place preferably ice places like the South Pole.



I can relate to a penguin because of their inability to fly, they can't go to other places they want, as for me who doesn't have the talent to dance, sing, play basketball and volleyball so I'm not like the others that can do those things then again its alright since it doesn't bother me that much.



Although penguins can't fly they have developed an ability unlike any other birds (a bit exaggerated there), they can swim and last long under water, from that I could say that even though I can't sing or dance like others, I also developed an ability/skill which is to draw.



Sample Drawings that I made before, haven't been drawing lately.

But even if I can draw its not as much to be as expected, I am an amateur after all it wasn't an inborn talent because I have worked hard to achieve this skill that I have now and like the penguin, I know they also had worked hard in learning on how to swim.

Moving on, penguins are really awesome creatures. Some people seem to characterized them as smooth skinned animals but technically they are feathered animals, their feathers are compact so they appear smooth and because they always get wet.



Sadly the penguins are the food source of sea lions and orcas. Many penguins get eaten as we speak, its the rule of nature where its the survival of the fittest but don't worry the appearance of penguins is an advantage because their white bellies blend with the snow and sunlight and when they swim their black backs blend with the dark blue ocean.


I enjoy watching and knowing more about penguins just like before where I used to watch them at National Geographic Channel. Learning more about them is good so I hope to know more about my favorite animal thanks for this wonderful contest @maverickinvictus..

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