A Black and White Life for Me Please!


Lets start off by having a closer look at this amazing creature:


This durable guy pretty much has the right tools for any job that he needs to get done.
Sharp claws: Used for digging, foraging, climbing, defending and hunting.
Muscular structure, grants this creature strength and endurance.
Incredibly thick skin: Serves as body armour and protects him from snakes Right through to large predators.
Loose Skin: Allows the animal to escape from the jaws or claws of the attacker and allows for more mobility.
The badger also has teeth strong enough to crush a turtle’s shell, oh and yes, let’s not forget the skunk like anal glands – for those ‘In case all else fails’ moments.


When the Honey badger sets his mind to something, he holds no reserve, and fear of failure; actually just fear in general, remains a foreign concept to this little creature who has been documented to chase a pride of lions that has him out numbered, and also trump him on individual size and strength, away from their fresh kill, they are also known for invading the nests of African killer bees to steal their honey While it still occupied – Now that take a decent pair of Balls; The kind that even the Guinness book of world records noticed - listing it as the most fearless animal on Earth


The Honey badger is so smart, that it will often form an alliance with a tracking bird – this little bird will lead the honey badger to a bee-hive and in exchange the badger will give the bird some of the spoils to enjoy in the absence of the fatal killer bees.


Relentless, Determined, resourceful

Driven, Intuitive, Strategic
Fearless, Patient, Persistent
Tenacious, Acknowledges his Strong Points
Versatile, Intelligent



The world we live in is often restricted by fear - Fear of Judgement, Fear of Failure, Fear of the Unknown, heck even the Fear of Fear; the only way that we can break the restraints of fear, is by believing enough in ourselves and our capabilities so that there is no longer a reason to fear, thus rendering fear powerless over our lives.


Ever so often we stare blankly at all the things we do not have in stead of diversely applying the things that we do have to attain what we want. If we truly make an effort of wholly appreciating all the things that we do have in life - not only resources but also things like our talents, skills, support systems and so on then, then you have the upper hand of knowing what you have and how to use it.


Every single person is on their own journey through life, this does not mean that your journey should be a solitary one, Just like the badger we can learn to trust in others and work together in stead, adding to each others strengths in a beneficial uplifting manner in stead of constantly resisting union.


These are all qualities that I do try to apply to my own life as a rule, but I must admit - not with the same success rate of the Honey Badger, So this is definitely an animal that I would love to draw from - In fact I really hope that there are more people out there who would choose the Black and white life, because the world could sure use more people who shows these wonderful qualities in their lives,


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