Know Your Animals # 13 - RACCOONS

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Hello Animal Lovers!

Here's today's dose of the hairy and the furry.

Procyon lotor, more commonly known as RACCOONS are furry little creatures that are more commonly found in woods near the water bodies, but can be present in urban areas as well. Bears are their close relatives, and this average sized mammal is blessed with a grayish fur which is attractive and a facial mask that is intriguing.

Raccoons are mostly nocturnal animals, which means they are active at night and their diet is omnivorous in nature like that of human beings.

Did you know that RACCOONS are known for their intelligence, with the ability to recollect solutions for tasks for a longer duration. Pretty neat, right? Check out more below...

Here are 10 interesting facts that you may or may not know about RACCOONS:


Being omnivorous, raccoons have a diverse diet that comprises of anything from fruits, tiny mammals, insects, frogs, snakes, eggs, etc. They eat any food readily available to them, and are know to invade trashcans and gardens in human areas.


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RACCOONS are mostly solitary, but can also be found in loose groups of 4-5 adults to be better protected against predatory animals.


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Raccoons have the peculiar feature of rinsing their food with water before consuming it. And what if water is not available? They will still rub their food to eliminate any debris that is present on the food.


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Female RACCOONS usually give to around 2-6 baby raccoons, who stay in the den for around 8-10 weeks till they are mature enough to venture out. During this time, the mothers are very protective of their kids, not even allowing the father to come near them.


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The young ones of Raccoons are known as kits. And these little ones open their eyes only after around 20 days of their birth. Baby raccoons are usually not masked in their face and not banded on their tails.


Raccoons are extremely gifted runners capable of running at high speeds. They can reach up to very impressive speeds of 25 miles per hour, and this speed can be attained not only on flat ground, but on the surface of trees as well.


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RACCOONS have an variable age span that varies from 5-7 years in the wild. In captivity, the life span can go up as high as 20 years.


Raccoons are capable of making different kinds of noises. Yes! They have a pretty neat array of vocalization capabilities that allows them to make over 50 different kinds of sounds. Hissing, growling, purring, chirping - these are just some of the sounds they can make...


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Do you know what a group of raccoons is called? A nursery or a graze.


Raccoons have hands that oddly enough resemble that of humans. They have five fingers and use their hands for collecting, foraging, opening and other similar activities.


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Bonus Facts!

a. Raccoons are of 7 different species.
b. Black and brown bands cover their long tails.
c. Raccoons found in colder environments are on an average bigger and heavier than their other counterparts.
d. Raccoons are not only great swimmers, but great climbers too.

Thank you for stopping by for some Animal Facts 🙂

We would certainly love to hear your animal stories too.

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Note – No animals were harmed in the making of this post.

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