Know Your Animals # 9 - RATS

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Hello Animal Lovers!

Here's today's dose of the furry and the crawly.

Rattus, more commonly known as RATS are tiny little rodents with long tails that are found all over the world. They come in different sizes and fur colors, and they often seem to have a big impact on our lives by their mere presence . They are even known to induce fear in the minds of humans.

Believe it or not, in some regions, these rats are also revered and worshiped. And then there are also people who love to keep rats as pets.

But unfortunately, in many places these little critters are also carriers of dangerous diseases and are considered to be deadly pests. They are know to cause damage to food and creating an unhygienic environment. Some love them, some hate them, but everyone has an opinion on RATS.

Here are 10 interesting facts that you may or may not know about RATS:


Male rats are called Bucks, while females are called Does. And what do you call a group of rats - MISCHIEF?
Yes, it's not only a funny name but seems apt for these little mischievous creatures.


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These little fur-balls called RATS are devoid of thumbs.


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RATS have a lifespan of approximately 18 months on an average. The longest living recorded RAT survived for a whopping 7 years.


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RATS are colorblind and they are also blessed with a very poor eyesight. So how do they navigate around their surroundings - they use their cute WHISKERS!


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If you were impressed by the Camel's ability to go long without drinking a single drop of water, well Rats can go even longer. Great indeed!


Rats possess very sharp teeth that allows them to chew through a host of materials like wire, aluminium, glass, etc. Their teeth never stop growing, and so they need to gnaw at things to keep its length under check.


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RATS like most animals possess scent glads. But weirdly enough, they are present under their feet. This helps them in not only marking their territories, but if they ever get lost, they know how to find their way back.


Have you ever wondered how so many RATS keep popping up all over the place - Well, they have a massive reproductive rate...
Rats can start to breed once they attain the age of 5 weeks. Females remain pregnant for about 3 weeks after which they produce a litter of size ranging from 5 to 20 babies.


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Rats have a unique way of controlling their temperature. They keep themselves cool by the use of their tail, i.e. they expand and contract the blood vessels in their tails to keep the body temperature at optimum levels. Pretty neat, huh!


Rats are very social animals and love to be in groups. They enjoy the company of other rats and often form communities within which they are often found grooming each other, sleeping as one and also playing games together.


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Bonus Facts!

a. Rats are excellent swimmers.
b. The Karni Mata temple in India is known to house 15,000 rats where they are not only protected, but worshiped as well.
c. As many as 56 species of rats are known to exist.
d. Rats are considered to be carriers of 35 types of diseases. Dangerous indeed!

Thank you for stopping by for some Animal Facts 🙂

We would certainly love to hear your animal stories too.

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Note – No animals were harmed in the making of this post.

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