Know Your Animals # 4 - CATS

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Hello Animal Lovers!

Here's todays dose of the cute and cuddlies.

Felis catus, better known to you and me as CATS or House CATS are some of the more popular kinds of household pets.

We keep them around to get rid of pests like rats and other rodents and we keep them for company.

They are cute, cuddly fur balls of adorableness and are, most of the times, pretty friendly and playful...

Civilizations have worshiped them, the superstitious have feared them, some adore them while some others do not like their smug attitude. But whatever it is, they are an integral part of our lives.

Here are 10 facts that you may or may not know about Cats:


Cats "knead" with their paws when they are happy.

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An average cat usually sleeps for around 16 to 18 hours. That adds up to around 70% of their lives. Now you know why your cat is always so sleepy.

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Cats that fall from around five stories up usually have a 90% chance of surviving. There are reports of cats having survived a fall from up to 32 stories high onto concrete.

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Cat's are not able to taste sweet things. Why? Apparently, scientists from the Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, discovered that a genetic deficiency is the cause for the absence of the "sweet detectors" on a cat's taste buds.

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Cats can make around 100 different sounds.
Here is a video of a few sounds that cats make:


Male cats are known as 'toms' and females are either called 'queens' or 'mollies'.

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A cat's purr can indicate several different things. It can be used to indicate whether the cat is happy, nervous or if it is feeling ill.


The oldest cat to ever give birth to a litter was named Kitty, and she was 30 years old. It was her last litter.


The Black-footed Cat is the smallest breed of wild cat.

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Cats only sweat through their paw pads.

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Here are some bonus facts:

  • Most cats are lactose intolerant. It might not be the best idea to feed your cats cow's milk.
  • Just like how we can be allergic to cats, they can be allergic to us too.

Thank you for stopping by for some Animal Facts 🙂

We would certainly love to hear your animal stories too.

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Note – No animals were harmed in the making of this post.

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