The Endangered Animals # 1 - SLOTHS

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Hello Animal Lovers!

Our planet does not belong to us alone. There are so many species of flora and fauna that inhabit Earth, but unfortunately due to various reasons many are endangered and may even go extinct.

In this series we take you thorough the wilderness of Latin America, which is home to a myriad of animals. Their existence is under threat and if nothing is done, they we may not be able to see them ever again. Let us witness their beauty, and make a conscious effort to create awareness.

A recent in-depth study with facts shared by coxandkingsusa in the form of a vivid infographic shows us the various animals that in danger.

Read and learn these facts about SLOTHS below

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Did you know that the major reason for the homes of sloths being under threat is due to deforrestation?

Thank you for stopping by for some Animal Facts 🙂

We would certainly love to hear your animal stories too.

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Note – No animals were harmed in the making of this post.

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