Know Your Animals # 10 - ARMADILLOS

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Hello Animal Lovers!

Here's today's dose of the cuties and the cuddlies.

Dasypodidae, more commonly known as ARMADILLOS are peculiar looking wild animals that are famous for their hard shell like exterior. Their shells are not only leathery, but they are used like an armor in the times of danger.

These creatures are the only mammals that possess such a protective shell. They mostly feast on insects, and they come in a variety of sizes and colors.

Did you know that ARMADILLOS can curl up like a ball to protect themselves from animals. This encases the soft parts of their bodies from being exposed during an attack. Read to find out more...

Here are 10 interesting facts that you may or may not know about ARMADILLOS:


Armadillos have a long, sticky tongue that is very resourceful. It allows them to feed on insects like ants or termites that stick onto their tongues. Armadillos are great swimmers too, and amazing climbers.


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Armadillos love their sleep and they sleep for a very long duration. Most varieties are known to sleep for 16-18 hours a day.


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Armadillos are blessed with small eyes and a very poor vision. So they depend on their sense of smell to hunt for food.


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The biggest known Armadillo is can possibly grow up to a length of 39 inches, and is called the Giant Armadillo. The smallest? Pink fairy armadillo at 6 inches.


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The average lifespan of Armadillos is around 6-7 years out in the wilderness, but in captivity their lifespan can go up to as much as 12-15 years.


Now this fact will blow your mind - Armadillos are capable of holding their breaths for a whopping 6 minutes.


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Armadillos are cold creatures! Well, their body temperature is at a surprisingly low value of 33-36 degree celsius. And to top it off, they have slow metabolic rates too.


The Armadillo female has a 3 to 4 month gestation period after which she gives birth to normally 4 babies. The babies remain with their mothers for around 6 to 12 months.


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Armadillos have an underside that is devoid of any protection, with only the fur and soft skin covering its body. Hence they use the strategy to curl up their bodies to expose only their hard shell.


This is a pretty cool fact about Armadillos - the nine-banded armadillo has such a unique reproductive system, that each time they produce a litter, they happen to contain genetically identical quadruplets.


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Bonus Facts!

a. In the Spanish language, 'arm of dillow' essentially means 'little armored one'.
b. About 20 species of Armadillos inhabit our planet.
c. Apart from humans, Armadillos are the only animals that can contract Leprosy. Sad but true!
d. Armadillos love digging and they are renowned for creating underground tunnels which are networked.

Thank you for stopping by for some Animal Facts 🙂

We would certainly love to hear your animal stories too.

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Note – No animals were harmed in the making of this post.

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