Shark,snake or bear attack?

In case you had to fight a shark,a bear or a snake which of the 3 would you prefer to be against with?

Well,for this 20-year-old from Colorado there wasn't such a dilemma as he had to face both 3 in his life.

Okay,it might have been not all in the same time but still what an accomplishment right?

But,let's take things from the beggining.

Since a young age, Dylan McWilliams, was taught by his  grandfather  survival techniques .However,who would have thought that he might actually use them several times in order to stay alive.

Shark attack

He was enjoying the Pacific waves on a sunny morning when he felt something in the back of his leg. 

He later stated: "I saw the shark underneath me. I started kicking at it - I know I hit it at least once - and swam to shore as quickly as I could." 

The shark was believed to be a tiger shark about 2m long.He may have left the beach with blood but I am sure he felt really lucky to just get away with 7 stitches.

Bear attack

 A  300 pound (136kg) male bear stomped on Dylan while  he was asleep.He instantly woke up just to find his head was being clamped in the jaws of a bear. 

 "This black bear grabbed me by the back of the head, and I was fighting back, poking it in the eye until it let me go''.

Nine staples to the back of his head and a lot of pain was the outcome of that specific camping experience but yet better than being dead in the woods.

Nevertheless, they say bad luck comes in threes and that's exactly what happened in his case.

Snake attack

A rattlesnake during a hiking trip in Utah came across him.

"I was walking down a trail and I thought I kicked a cactus but couldn't see one, and then saw a rattlesnake all coiled up." 

Despite his run of bad luck, he still doesn't stop from going outdoors and encourages everyone to do so no matter any previous bad experiences someone may have. "I still go hiking, I still catch rattle snakes, and I will still swim in the ocean." 

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