Olde English Potatoe

This is Tater. He's an Olde English Bulldogge, which is apparently a mixture of an American Bulldog and a standard Bulldog. IMO it's more like a hand grenade and a rhinoceros had a lovechild. He is hands down the biggest nightmare I have ever looked after, boisterous, stubborn and a total "velcro" dog, not happy unless he's following you around so closely he's stepping on your feet. He is uglorable though, and he has such a sweet and vivacious personality it's impossible to stay mad at him for long. Here's some pics of when we first got him, and now.

Classic guilt-face (he wears this a lot):

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Big smiles:
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Laughing at some no doubt hilarious joke:
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Looking very upset at me for something or other (probably denial of food):
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His best side:
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Whatever I did, I didn't do it!
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As far as pets go, I'm thinking a Tasmanian Devil would probably make a more suitable house pet than him. But who can resist that wrinkly face.

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