Brazilian Turtles


Brazilian turtles are from Brazil's mainland in South America. This animal is very easy to adapt to be treated anywhere. However, some diseases are still vulnerable to attack the animal if the body is not good. An adult Brazilian turtle can have a length of up to 30 cm and a maximum age of 20 years if placed in a good environment.
As adults, Brazilian tortoises will marry in the summer months, such as August-September. One female turtle can produce about 20-45 grains. Usually the eggs hatch after 3 weeks and the seedlings that come out immediately into the water. Oh yes, this type of tortoise is a freshwater turtle. So do not occasionally put it in salt water.
Brazilian turtles can be kept in two different places. First is in a glass aquarium that is wide enough and the second in the open pond. The main requirement that must be owned by a pool to keep the Brazilian tortoise is the presence of enough land for sunbathing. Although the turtles spend more time in the water.

Turtle maintenance media is recommended to always be cleaned regularly. The reason is because these turtles like to eat in the water. In addition, they also dump the dirt in there. If water is not routinely cleared, then the tortoise will experience a disturbance in the digestion due to swallow dirty water used his own feces. To get around this situation, you can give a filter dirt if the medium is an aquarium.

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You who keep the tortoise in the aquarium, try to give UV light within a certain period of time. The rays will be used turtles for sunbathing. If UV light can not work, try taking the aquarium out of the room and place it in direct sunlight for 30 minutes in the morning. Usually a suitable time is 06.00-09.00.
Vegetables and Fruits - Vegetables are very important given to Brazilian tortoises. Usually vegetables that contain lots of calcium such as spinach, mustard greens, and carrots for the development of tortoise shell. Fruits such as papaya and bananas can be given though not in large quantities.

Insects and Worms - Brazilian tortoises feed on various types of insects in their natural habitat. This is done to meet the needs of proteins that can not be obtained if eating fruit or vegetables only. Insects are often preyed by these tortoises are grasshoppers and crickets. If you have trouble getting insects, then use worms instead.

Chicken or Fish - Turtles love raw meat from fish and chicken. They can be greedy when you give it away. These meats are great for the health of Brazilian tortoises, but in their gift do not be too much and often. Turtles can become obese and affect their health directly.
Brazilian turtles often have problems and diseases that make them vulnerable to death. The following diseases are often experienced by Brazilian turtles.

Diarrhea - Turtles have diarrhea due to drinking dirty water. The habit of making dirt in the water makes the bacteria E. coli many popping up and infect the digestive tract. For the prevention of this disease, you should drain the aquarium regularly and ask the veterinarian for a medicine.

Decreased appetite - The turtle's appetite will decrease when experiencing symptoms are quite large on his body. If you know the tortoise suddenly will not eat, immediately check the tortoise carefully. Usually these symptoms appear when the tortoise suffers from a severe illness. Incomplete handling of these symptoms can cause the tortoise to die.

Small tumor in the body - Lack of nutrient intake, especially Vitamin E causes the appearance of several lumps on the body. This disease is often called tumor abcesses.

There's Blood in Dirt - If blood appears in the turtle droppings, there is certainly a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract. The turtle's intestines usually have disorders such as bound, septicemia, amebasis and the presence of parasites in the gut that infect quite severely.
Defects in the Shell - Defects in the shell are usually caused by a deficiency of Vitamin D3, phosphorus, and less sunlight. That is why hanging turtles is very important to do while keeping them in the aquarium.

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