Ice Cream Truck for Cows.

When I was young, I could hear the sound of the ice cream truck when it was several blocks away. When I heard that music, that sounded like it came from a jewelry box, blaring over the truck's loud speakers, I would drop whatever I was doing and come running with money in hand for a tasty frozen treat!

That is what must be going through the cows minds when they hear the "musical" sound of my lawn mower engine rolling up to the fence.

As soon as I pull up to the gate, they come running for this tasty treat:

Mountains and mountains of fresh cut grass! They line up and stare at me intently, waiting for me to drop the goodies over the fence. Any fear of me they once held vanishes as they stare at the bountiful harvest!

Kisses anyone??

They won't even move out of the way. These guys would rather that I dump the grass on their heads than risk giving up their spots in line!


As a matter of fact, they will not even wait for me to pour it out onto the ground. The cows try to eat the grass right out of the bag as it's spilling out.

In the end, everyone is happy because there is plenty of grass to go around.

When I get done, I think I will get some ice cream for myself!

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