How to Cattle Birds Lovebird


Lovebird is a type of bird that is famous for its beauty of color and also its shape. So many people love this loyal bird. Breeding lovebird is promising enough to benefit. For that many of the bird enthusiasts are trying to breed lovebird. At the time you breed lovebird of course you want the female lovebird to spawn fast. If lovebird quickly spawn, it will be able to produce lovebird tillers to be your lovebird collection.

The basic steps of breeding Lovebird

1. Parent Lovebird must be healthy and quality
Choose a Lovebird breeder from quality breeds. Usually, if the breed comes from a healthy and quality offspring, then the puppies will also be qualified. After that, you can choose the lovebird sires from the side of the sound or the color of the fur, depending on you want to breed Lovebird for birds contest or beauty color contest Lovebird.

2. Wait until the age of lovebird ready to mate
Lovebirds that are ready to be mated are usually at least 1 year old. Do not forget, you should also choose the male Lovebird sires that are older than the female. This is intended for male breeders can be more dominant during the process of mating.

3. The creation of the livestock cage Lovebird
The cage or cage to breed the Lovebird adjusts the amount of Lovebird you will cross. If the number of lovebird little or just a pair of parent Lovebird only, then make a cage Lovebird with size 50 x 100 x 50 cm. If the number of sires is many, make the Lovebird cage bigger and bigger.

4. Place Lovebird spawn
Lovebird requires a place to lay eggs or a place to lay eggs called glodok. Glodok itself is made of hard wood measuring 20 x 20 x 25 cm and is usually square-shaped. In order for the lovebird to be comfortable, around the glodok provide wood that has been shriveled, small branches, or foliage to make a nest. Oh yes, let those who make their own nest.

5. Knowing the sex of Lovebird
You need to know the sex of Lovebird and make sure the Lovebird you marry has different genitals. The reason, lovebird seen in pairs not necessarily have a different sex. Sometimes, male lovebirds can pair with other males. Vice versa.

6. Prepare food for lovebird to spawn fast
In order for Lovebird to spawn fast, try to increase the nutrients in the daily food of Lovebird, such as the provision of milets, mustard seeds, Kenari seed, chow, young corn, kale, bean sprouts, kwaci, cuttlefish, and others.

How to marry male and female Lovebirds :


If you already know the basics of breeding Lovebird, now is the time you marry Lovebird. How to? You simply insert the male and female Lovebird into the livestock enclosure. Then, wait a few days, about 4 days to 10 days to see if Lovebird is laying eggs yet.

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