A Loyal four-legged friend (Daisy)

Hi Everyone,

Last Sunday on the 4 of February was my Sweet Heart, my lovely dog her birthday.
She turned 3 years old. It’s such a sweet Heart and of course we celebrate the her Birthday. She’s a part of our family.

I still remember the first day we went to pick her up. But the story all started almost 3 years ago. My first dog died 5 years ago and I really missed having her by my side.

So 2 years later my parent agreed with getting a dog for me. We already had one small dog, but that is more my mother’s dog and I really missed it to have a buddy to play with. So I found my sweetie Daisy. I called the place and went to them to look for a puppy. I always say a dog choses the owner and not the other way around. I sat on the ground and waited. To look which puppy would chose me. Well every puppy came to me at the same time XD, but there was one who stood out of all the other ones. We really wanted her because she had a beautiful look. The funniest thing was that she was the one who chose me. All the puppies came to me, but there was one who jumped on me and kissed my nose. That was the moment I said, she’s my puppy. We brought here home with me and the next day was the day that I got my operation. When I got home she didn’t leave my side and always laid on me all day. Hugging and supporting me. She really made me stronger in a time of need. She was so small and cute .

And times flies by and they grow so fast. Now she’s 3 years old and we do so much together. Too bad I can’t take her with me to work. If I could I would take her everywhere with me.

We made her a special birthday cake and she had her own birthday party. We even went to the shop with her so that she could chose her birthday present. So I let her go and told her that she could chose her present. Well dogs are smatter that some people think, because she knew what she had to do. The people at the shop looked at how she walked around looking for that perfect toy. It took her sometime and testing some toys out, but then she found the one. It was so funny and people even wanted a picture with her. My dog is crazy about balls so yeah it was no surprise that she would chose some kind of ball toy.

Dogs are you Best Friends their loyal and they give you their trust so be kind and loving to them.
They deserve it.

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