The beauty of the owls

Owls are a group of birds that are members of the order of Strigiformes. This bird is a class of birds (carnivores, meat eaters) and is a night animal (nocturnal). Altogether, there are about 222 known species, spreading all over the world except Antarctica, most of Greenland, and some remote islands.

In the western world, this animal is considered a symbol of wisdom, but in some places in Indonesia is considered the bearer of death, then the name of the Owl.

Owls are known for their large, forward-faced eyes, unlike most other birds whose eyes are facing sideways. With a sharp crooked beak like the eagle's beak and the composition of feathers on the head that form a circle of faces, the "face" look of the owl is so impressive and sometimes creepy. Moreover, the bird's neck is so flexible that its face can rotate 180 degrees to the rear.

Generally owl feathers dotted, brownish or gray with black and white patches. Coupled with his often statuesque and motionless behavior, this bird is not easily visible, so even when sleeping during the day is under the protection of the leaves.

The owl tail is generally short, but its wings are large and wide. Its wingspan reaches about three times its body length.

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