Animal Chameleon and Its function

Bonglon ( Chameleon ).

Chameleons are a popular reptile in society because of the ability to change the color of their skin. Chameleon is one of the many types of Chameleon. There are over 100 types of chameleon. This reptile can change its body color with a variety of colors such as pink color combinations, blue, red, green, black, brown, light blue, yellow, turquoise, and purple. Chameleon has a skin that has a superficial layer that contains pigment and below the layer of cells with crystalline guanine.

  1. Has the ability to change the color of his body (mimicry) that serves to protect themselves from their enemies.

  2. Has a long, sticky tongue that serves to catch its prey.

  3. Has a leg that can grip like a hand so it can grip firmly.

  4. Has a spinning eye and can look in all directions.

  5. Has a rollable tail that is useful to hang on a tree.





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