😻cats and their benefits😻

Hi, guys today I will tell you about cats and their benefits.

1)Help you to better sleeping

studies show that cats are more than 2 times more likely to help you sleep better then they are the disturb your sleep.

2)Petting a cat can clam you down

Feeling stressed?Petting your cat can actually calm you down.Physical touch is a powerful trigger and having a cat around to soothe you when you have wound up can lead to a shorter period of distress.

3)Reduces stress and anxiety

Even just watching cat videos can help you down and reduce stress.Take it asleep further by taking a breather and petting your furry feline friend to further reduce stress and anxiety.

4)Decreases risk of stroke

People who live with cats have a decreased risk of death due to cardiovascular diseases.A high-risk individual can reduce the risk of diseases by getting a cat.

5)Lowers blood pressure

High blood pressure can lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases.But cats help to keep blood pressure low even during stressful situations and in some cases do a better job than medication.

6)Decrease risk of heart attack

Researchers found that cat owners are 30% less likely to die from a heart attack than people who had never owned a cat.

7)Live longer

Notice something about how cats improve your health?All of these benefits lead cats owners to longer healthier life.

8)Cats ease loneliness and provide cholesterol

Studies have shown that cats ownership and animal-assisted therapy reduce loneliness particularly for seniors who are in long-term care.

Lowers triglycerides and cholesterol

High triglycerides and cholesterol level can lead to deadly heart diseases.Cat owner show a lower level of each meaning owning a cat leads to a healthier heart!

10)Lower carbon footprint than a dog

A 2009 study from New Zealand showed that owning a hummer when it comes to the carbon footprint.While not perfect, owning a cat was only equivalent to owning a Volkswagen Golf.

11)Cats are easy entertainment and improve your mood

Cats can improve your Mood just as much as your partner can if you have felt down.Plus you will always have an easy form of are at home looking for something to do!

12)Encourage you to get up and play

while not as exercise intensive as owning a dog having a cat necessitates you taking a minute to slow down and play.If you decide to really get into playing with your cat even for 15 or 30 minutes every day you will be helping your body significantly.Run around with a toy with your cat and you will be good!


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