πŸ‘ 😎 πŸ‘€ πŸ’ƒThe Fox in the trouble2 πŸš€ 😝 🌍 πŸ’

The fox in trouble?

fox wolf.jpg

# Is a fox cleverer than a wolf?

....who knows...?
But you can decide by yourself when you read this story.

One night, a fox was wandering about looking for food.
It was moonlit night, and the fox could see for miles and miles but the sad thing was that there was no food to be seen.
The fox was getting very hungry and saif if i dont find something to eat soon, I shall surely die of hunger saif the fox himself.
The fox looked in bushes, behind trees and in fields full of crops means he looked everywhere then in the last he came to a well
and said fox himeslf that this is a strange well.
There are two buckets tied to rope.
One is at the top and other is in the water, I wonder why?
Then the fox sat at the edge of the well and thought about this for some time.
Then because he is clever animal, he soon had the answer.
I see said the fox to himslef.
When one bucket goes down into the well,
The other comes up. Wha t a wonderful thing!
The fox walked round the edge of the well and looked in.
Suddenly he stopped there, in the water, was the reflection of the moon.
Ho, Ho, Ho! Laughed the fox. What a lucky little fox i am! Here I am thinking about buckets and ropes,when infront of my eyes is some food.
Someone has thrown a whole piece of cheese into the well. And lood! Is is in the water.
I shall go down at once and get it for my dinner.'
The silly fox did not know, that was not cheese but it was the piece of reflection of moon.
He got into the bucket and it went down slowly into the well.
But when the bucket landed in the water the cheese disappeared!
Now where has it gone? Fox said himself.
There were only ripples on the water.
The cheese has gone, said the fox. How am i going to get out of the well? Fox said in surprizingly?
He sad in the bucket and looked up at the moon in the sky. He thought and thought what a fool I am, said the fox?
The poor fox sat in the bucket at the bottom of the well for two whole days! Friends can anyone guess how the fox will come out? Think out of the box?
Ok i am telling,
friends fox got more and more hungry but what he could he do?
I have been very silly said the fox to himself.
I shall have to be very clever to het out of here.
And then on the third night a wolf appeared at the top of the well.


Which was great for poor fox and then fox said to wolf,
Hello! Hi, Brother,!
The wolf looked down at the fox and also the reflection of the moon.
Brother Wolf, said the fox, why dont you come and share my meal.?
Meal? What meal? Asked the wolf.
Well, said the fox,
There is some tasty cheese down here. Can you see it?
Yes Yes! Said the hungry wolf.
I can see it,
it is huge! Said the fox,
I have had a bite or two only a little nibble.
But the best bit is left for you.
Hop into that bucket and come and have a bite.
The wolf was hungry too.
He was also very greedy. He did not waste any time. He jumped into the other bucket and it came slowly down into the well.
Ofcourse the fox began too go up at the same time.
When the bucket reached the top, the fox jumped out.
The poor, greedy wolf was left at the bottom of the well.
Goodbye, Brother! Shouted the fox.
Enjoy the cheese!hahahaha then the fox trotted off to find some dinner.
Hahahah now tell me friend who is more clever the wolf who was trapped or the fox who was looking for some food..
ThiS is all about you my dear friends hope you liked it much and get entertained by whole story.
It was all about you all.....
@rosatravels @BarryDutton @Isaria @JuliaK. @MinnowSupport @luzcypher
as I am new here and want you people to read my blog because i have tried much to get attention of you all through this creative story hope you all will give me the good response in return thanks all.....
and for atleast once you all will support me for further best and creative stories,,,

images have been taken from following link


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