This narcissoid bird wanted me to take pictures of her. Some photography advice...

I love taking pictures or videos of birds, but mostly they fly away when I get close. I was walking down the street today, minding my own business, when I heard this bird chirping. She was only a little more than a meter away from me... Unlike others she didn't fly away.


I was standing there for like 5 minutes, trying to delete older photos from my camera (memory card was full) to shoot a video with her. She was posing the whole time, picking the berries and throwing them on a garbage can below the bush to make a funny sound. Right at the moment when I deleted enough photos she got bored and flew away...


Moral of the story:

Keep your camera's memory card clean. You never know what opportunities you might get today.


Also, try to adjust the color and lightning settings for the day. That way you won't waste time or use the crappy automatic settings I did. That way, you're gonna be able to take use of the natural lightning and you won't have to cramp up the colors like I did. If you do what I did, your photos are gonna look fake just like mine.


Long story short, don't do what I do. I'm a shitty photographer. :)

With love,


Post scriptum: The bird is a female common blackbird, also known as Eurasian blackbird - Turdus merula. The plant is a bush of the common ivy (Hedera helix), currently fruiting with it's poisonous berries (hence, the bird didn't eat them but play with them).

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