3 Animals Who Are State Spies

Running a spy job is certainly very risky. Especially if it gets exposed, the life of a spy agency can fly.

Avoiding that risk, now the task of spying began to be replaced by animals. If trained seriously, animal care can be a professional spy agency.

Quoted from CNBC, the use of animals for intelligence has been around for more than 100 years. The animals used are not only reptiles, but also cats, dogs, birds, even marine animals.

For example, pigeon post. In the past, this bird was used to deliver the message. Now, its function has changed with the development of technology.

In the body of each animal will be embedded microcip. This tool serves to tap the target talks.

Here are the animals that are often used for the task of spying.

1. Squirrel
Iranian media reported there were 14 "spy" squirrels captured in 2007. The Desalat newspaper said dozens of these squirrels were Western spies. The squirrel is equipped with espionage equipment such as navigation, bugging equipment, and cameras.

The Iranian military leader, Hazan Firuzabadi, told Ayatollah Ali Khamenei about lizards and salamanders that the West could use as spies. It is possible that these two animals are used to look for uranium mines and nuclear sites.
"Lizard skin can pull nuclear waves," Firuzabadi said.

3. Flies
if this one, not a real fly, but a robot made by Army Research Laboratory. The research institute makes flies spies and equips these insects with tiny robot legs. Could be, this tool is used so that is not detected by the security system.

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