People say write autobiography or else nobody will ask: Anil Kapoor

Several big Bollywood artists have written their autobiography book and then launch it. Actor Anil Kapoor has been in Bollywood for over 40 years and till now no books have been printed on him.

On this, Anil says, "Yes, I too all say that your good time is going on now, the money is also printed out, your autobiography, or you will not ask anyone later."

Many offers for autobiography

Actor Anil Kapoor is presently in the promotion of his upcoming release Race 3.

In an exclusive interview with the BBC on this occasion, Anil Kapoor says, "Many people want to write a book on my life, there is no such author, there is no such publication that has not come to me."

"Look, many people are printing their book. Everyday photographs are available and publicity is getting very good. If you do too, then nobody will ask later. Such talk speaks on my face.

"It's been listening for 15 years but I hope when the right time comes, it will also happen." Very soon someone will write a book on my life too. "

Do not show and yes to the film

Many big artists are connected to TV today, actor Anil Kapoor was also associated with serial 24 series, where he acted.

But Anil Kapoor says, "Whatever I do, I do it with great thought." You must remember, before making Slum Dog Miller, I was offered a similar show but I did not say the show and yes to the film. Said, because I knew that I could play this role.

Want to do something new

Moving forward further, Anil Kapoor says that hosting, anchoring or judging the show on TV seems a lot of boring work.

He says, "Many times I have also received this offer that you will get very good money. You become a judge. I'll be bored sitting on the chair. If I work as a judge, I will get a lot of money. I do not like to sit in one place at all. "

"I like to watch myself acting on stage, so if I get an opportunity to do acting or doing something else later, I will definitely be away from all this."

Salman Khan

Anil Kapoor is part of the Race, Race 2 and now Race 3 three films.

He says, "I am in all three races and there are no other artists in the past. That means I have done some good work which I also got this opportunity to be a part of the race."

Adding to this, he adds, "The film is very special because it is Salman in it, it gets one to ten numbers in the film. Salman has his own audience, who sees his brother with a different perspective. In the earlier film, both action and money have increased. "


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