Making a decision when you're angry

Image source : American Psychological Association

Have you ever felt that fire, rage and anger burning from inside of your body? Whether it is ignited by someone, or something. Well we are all humans after all, it is normal to feel sad, angry and depress sometimes.

We all make mistakes. We shout and we yell at people whom did us wrong. It's just a natural psychological behavior to make them understand us better through increased tone and enraged behavior.

But, how many of us are able to think rationally from their point of view? How many of us are willing to understand from their perspective and look things through from another side of angle?

One of my biggest regret is cutting off someone who means a lot to me, by saying disgusting and hurtful words that I couldn't take it back. I would do anything to get my life back as before, but I guess I have to move on.

To all readers out there, if you're reading this and there is something upsetting you no matter how bad it is, take a break, take a deep breath and think it through, there is always a way to solve all the problem in this world. Before you speak, THINK.... before it's too late

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