Efficient use of Anger - A short story

Once upon a time Alex saw Linda in one friend and family get to gather and he liked her a lot. he proposed her for marriage

Linda said she will marry him but she has 1 secret small box which she will keep secret and he is not suppose to open and see that box if he agrees to this condition then she will marry with him.

Alex Agreed to it and they got married .. time flied and ALex was curious about that box but he never asked her about the same.

Every year during X mas decoration Alex used to see that box but he never opened the same as he promised not to open the same.. gradually both of them reached to their old age Alex turned to 80 and Linda turned to 76 years old .

At this stage Alex asked Linda , "If you allow me then I want to see the box u have before I die "

Because we never know when we die as we are now old. Linda agreed and told him to get that box .

Alex come with box and he opened the same . He saw there were 3 sweaters and some 1,00000 $ in that box ...

Alex was surprised and asked Linda what is this in box..

Linda give beautiful answer .. she said " When I married you , my mom advised me 1 thing.. When ever I am angry on you , i have to nit sweater instead of fighting with you..

Alex was surprised and said ooh wow and how come since last so many years there are only 3 sweaters in this box ?

It means you angry on me this much less time ?

Linda Smiled and replied nope .. I was angry lot of time and made so many sweaters that eventually i sold them and earned this 100000 USD... lol.

Moral of the story : Redirect your anger energy to do some other fruitful job

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