Try This Trick for Calming The Rage

We all have times when our emotional state gets worked up. Many times this is thanks to our amidala highjacking our body and we go into full-on fight, flight or freeze. This is where we have our panic attacks or even anxiety attacks are from our nonthinking part of the brain just running wild. With men, we often weren't taught how to control our emotions and to examine the thoughts behind why we were angry or why we are just flat-out pissed off.

This week's video is about how to stay calm even when everyone around you is running in a blind panic.

Yet I do want to point out that I do not know the speakers nor their show but if I was to look closer and make some judgments about the speaker here I would think this guy didn't have a father in the house, or the father was always lost in his emotions too. His anger, being as uncontrolled as it was, Tells me that the masculine influence in his childhood home didn't actually exist.

Also, it is interesting that his outlet was Controlled violence. Again something men need in their life.

Now as the video continues you see he starts talking about the thoughts he has. His inner monologue is the thoughts that he has that create his emotional outbursts. I also would say that boxing is predominantly a man's sport and because he was able to be around other men for long periods of time he was able to bring his rage down. He started seeing his rage disappear as he starts to change his thoughts. He didn't change is circumstances just his thoughts of his circumstances.

The need for perfection also points to his homelife being out if his control and he wanted that control

Yet the trick they are talking about is a powerful trick for sure. We talk to ourselves way worse than we would ever talk to our friends or even our worst enemies. we dump all the negativity on us and throw all the positivity onto others. That is the way of men. As I say we are antennae for powerful positive energy. We take negative energy and turn it into positive. However many times we overdo it and when we don't have enough men around us to take that load off of our shoulders we become bogged down.

So how would you say what you are saying to yourself to your friend?

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