Ancient Korean Myths (the beginning: Dangun Wanggeom)

옛날 환인의 서자 환웅은 항상 뜻을 인간 세상에 두고 인간 세상을 이롭게 하고자 하였다. 아버지 환인이 아들의 뜻을 알고 천부인 3개를 주어 세상에 내려 보내서 세상 사람을 다스리게 하였다. 환웅은 3천 명을 데리고 태백산 신단수 밑에 내려와 이를 신사라고 하였다. 그는 풍백, 운사, 우사를 거느리고 인간의 360여 가지 일을 맡아서 세상을 다스리고 교화하였다. 그때 곰과 호랑이가 와서 환웅에게 사람이 되게 해달라고 빌거늘, 신령스러운 쑥과 마늘을 주고 말하되, "너희들이 이것을 먹고, 100일 동안 햇빛을 보지 아니하면 곧 사람이 되리라." 하였다. 곰과 호랑이가 이것을 받아서 먹고 근신하였는데, 곰은 여자의 몸이 되고, 호랑이는 능히 참지 못해 사람이 되지 못하였다. 웅녀는 그와 혼인해 주는 이가 없었는데, 아기 갖기를 빌므로 환웅이 잠깐 변하여 결혼해서 아들을 낳으니, 이를 단군왕검이라고 하였다. 단군왕검이 평양성에 도읍하고, 비로소 조선이라 하였다. - <삼국지> [위서] 동이전

Ancient Korean myths started from Hwanwoong, who is the son of God (Hwanin) came down from the heaven. Hwanin knew his son loves people on the earth so he gave his son(Hwanwoong) Cheon, Bu, In. According to SamKuk Yusa, Cheon, Bu, In are referred to the bronze sword, the bronze mirror, and the bronze bell which allow Hwanwoong to control the wind, the clod, and the rain. When Hwanwoong was placed in Taebaeksan mountain with his 3000 followers, he called the place Shinsi. Hwanwoong took care of almost 360 matters and he guided his people. One day, a bear and a tiger came to Hwanwoong. They beg him that they want to live the rest of life as a human. Hwanwoong gave them the spiritual mugwort and the spiritual garlic. And he said, "If you want to become a human, you must eat only what I gave you, and never see the sunlight for 100days." So the both creatures got placed in the cave and waiting for 100days. Unfortunately, only a bear successfully turned into a lady who is called Woongnyeo. When Woongnyeo became a human, she got a problem. The problem was no one wanted to marry her. Every night, she preyed on God that she wanted to have her baby. One day, Hwanwoong turned into a man and made her pray became true. Therefore, she had a pregnancy. She birthed a boy who is called Dangun Wanggeom. When Dagun Wanggeom became the king of Joseon, Joseon's capital was located in Pyeongyang castle.

  • If you see the Korean history, Korea had the name Joseon twice, the first one was founded in 2333 B.C. by Dangun Wanggeom, and the Second one was founded in A.D. 1392 by Lee Seonggye. Therefore, We now called the first one Gojoseon because in Chinses character Go means old.
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