World War Zero ~ The Ancient World War Theory

By Ping Wins
For Steemians

In the ancient world, there was technology much like what we have now, yet even more advanced in some ways. The world of yester-epoch was filled with strange and mysterious wonders that would seem like magic to us today. There were thousands of people who traveled the world, and there were other species of humans also. The alternative species of humans had been planted and seeded here by the extraterrestrial races that were visiting and engineering lie on this planet since millions of years past.

The dinosaurs were, in fact, part of the engineering of life here; their sole purpose for having been created was to eventually produce the fossil fuels that we are using now. This cycle of life construction and directing has gone on many times here on earth. We have only a partial record of things that have happened. If you were to look back before the archaeological record begins, you would see that things have happened here many times, as they are happening now. This is, in fact, the fifth build up of worldwide civilization. Interestingly, not all of the same technologies have been in play during each of the rises and falls of worldwide civilization. some of the most advanced technologies of our own time will not be in play in the next iteration of worldwide culture.

When we look into the deep past and see artifacts that do not seem to fit into place with what we think we know about the past, there are several conclusions that can be drawn. First, there was a civilization that traveled around the world. There was at least one, and there may have been many. Two, most of the records and artifacts of these world traveling ancient peoples have been destroyed on purpose, there is simply no other reason that there would be so little left in the archaeological record. Three, there was a war that ended life on this planet to a large degree. This is evidenced by the craters found here and there on earth that show obvious signs of nuclear explosions in the remote past.

Questions that still remain: Who were these worldwide travelers with technology that we are so far unable to duplicate in modern times? Why was there a battle that destroyed everything, and why were the records of this distant civilization destroyed? Three: How long do we have until our own civilization is destroyed, and supplanted by a new iteration of humanity?

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