Dreams come true

It's been almost 6 years now since I've known that I wanted to become a nurse. 6 years ago I sat in an Outdoor Emergency Care class (pretty equivalent to EMT) and fell in love with anatomy and physiology. I learned about all 206 bones in the body and was fascinated by the way the body chooses to fight or flight after a traumatic injury. I learned how to do patient assessments, splint extremities, treat shock, control bleeding, insert naso and oral airways, and so much more. I was wide eyed the entire class and just wanted to learn more and more. The class ended a month or two later and all I could think about was using all my new knowledge in real scenarios. A few months passed and winter was in full swing. I remember my first patient very vividly. As I skiied down to the scene I ran through everything that I was going to ask the injured patient. On arrival to the scene everything went so smoothly and came naturally. I approached the patient and ask for their name, age, and what was hurting them. As they were talking I went through the ABCs. "ok" I thought to myself. "She has an airway and is breathing. She looks flush so circulation is good too" She complained of knee pain and I made sure to use my newly learned splinting skills to splint the knee and bring her down in a sled. From then to now I have taken care of hundreds of people. From broken bones to unconscious, I feel like I've scene it all. BUT in the medical field there is so much more to see. So here I am now. I've been waiting to start nursing school since I was 16. I'm patiently waiting for my nursing classes to begin in August where I can better my already known skills and learn even more!

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