Why is a Paradigm Shift Happening?


Paradigm Shift.

It's been in the pressure cooker for a long time. The out flows of consequential suppressions have been playing out for years and years. The idea and approach of just "crush it"...suppress the suppression...or just kind of "postpone" is no longer a really viable means of directing our reality.

It's kind of an interesting point of regard when we look at how the world system functions. The "world system" is a general way to refer to the whole world interconnectedness of money.

Everything is Revealed:

As we are seeing more and more - secrets are coming to surface. Everything is being exposed for what it is. More attention is being given to the stories that would have been suppressed and buried in the past due to lack of coverage. More and more individuals are taking responsibility as journalists in this world.

The functioning of our "world system" is really on the basis of a "communications network".

It does seem kind of primitive and almost like prehistoric to think that we have a "world system" here where it's been historically difficult to communicate effectively with money. That, there is such difficulty in providing funding wherever it is needed. That it's become standard practice to be "ice cold" as a bank - where it's possible to say no to providing funding and financing for regular people. It's become cold as ice in terms of being a practical system.

Debt Forgiveness

There's so much debt in the world.

Some economists say this is a good thing and it means that the country and it's citizens are more responsible and able bodied because they are able to carry so much debt. Sounds kind of ridiculous when you think about it - "it's like saying, it's great that the average person can be taxed to heavily with debt....it makes them an optimum wage slave who can continuously be leveraged for a better person's gain."

You can see The World Debt Clocks Here

So Why a Paradigm Shift?

Financial system is a mess. One big hot mess.

Cryptocurrency in general provides financial solutions to accommodate support for the existing "hot mess".

  • Accountability and Integrity.

If we think about Banks and Governements,

The primary function of these things is to service the people of the nation in the best ways possible. At the moment there's a real cognitive dissonance between actually servicing the nation's citizens and "leveraging" the nation's citizens as debt based wage slaves.

See there's become somewhat of a conflict of interests between banks, governments and regular joes.

This is a consequential result of Greed and Corruption. A real lack of accountability and integrity. This is in the beginning midst of changing. Within most industries and fields of study...most of the actors are generally "good"....however it's the entirety of the overarching system.....the ways in which we allow things to slide and be compromised from the best case scenarios....that creates the wiggle room and loop holes...and it's a word smiths' magic of sorts....because the way the casino play works at the moment as the "world system" is a giant 'word play" where if you are able to finesse the structuring of your words effectively...you qualify as a quality financial investment opportunity and are thus likely able to have fun in life because you get funding.

It's a real travesty the way things exist. Like this competing to live/survive. Not realizing nor understanding the gross inefficiencies of existing as a species who's entirely involved in this zero sum game and thinking it's justified and logical because it's existed for generations as the sins of our forefathers.

Technology can be the Hero

There's been a lot of shadiness existent since forever - to actually recognize the new levels of accountability and integrity we can create as relied upon systems is a huge jump in results. We are able to increasingly automate things in a way where the human is not able to manipulate/cheat/steal/leverage off the existing infrastructure and money systems. This is a game changer. It means things can actually be more predictable in terms of working and creating and building viable solutions for the betterment of the world.

"Paradigm Shift" is becoming a key term

You'll probably notice this word being used more and more. It seems to be picking up traction. This is so, because it's easier to attach oneself to...it's easy to say "yes" I am a vote for a paradigm shift. It really is a vote of the people for a world that is better for everyone.

I've seen such an increased usage of "paradigm shift" in the last year. From politicians, to titans of industry, to innovators and investors....there's strong minority of the planet that seem to be rather aligned on the point of regard that the money system can be a lot better. That it's possible today for things to be more efficient and effective for the entirety of the world.

This is a process that's unfolding with a vigor and vitality that continues to grow to new levels that were previously somewhat unimaginable....there's a real life force here....and it's not stopping. Suggest join in on the process of "financial literacy"....for it is the awareness, understanding, and knowing of money that is a core point in creating a most excellent world for future generations of life to come.

We've gotten to such a point of consequence in the world where it's time for a tipping point change.....a paradigm shift....and we have the solutions here today.

Each and every single human is a broadcaster and a networker. It's by design. We are social creatures.

A final fun Question(s):

How powerful is the network effect when the network includes all Life?

How many connections are possible.

What's the value of the network - when it's scaled to it's full potential and it's operating at it's full potential?



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