VolAnarchist Update - Upcoming Projects, Postponed Work, & Current Events (08/14/2017)

         Last week, I wasn't able to post the usual "Weekly Advice..." article that I like to do. Part of it was due to another project that came up for me to do and another was because my heart wasn't entirely in the piece. I had set things up to where I had already recorded the audio for the piece and was planning to make it into a video with some graphics I had just finished designing for it. The problem was that the subject matter was relatively weak and I wasn't going to be proud of that work, if I had gone ahead and posted it. So, in order to make up for that, I'll post two "Weekly Advice" articles this week with one or both of them (I haven't quite decided yet) will be in video format.

         I had previously promised that an interview piece was going to be coming soon, but that will have to be placed on indefinite TBD status. The person I was conducting the interview with had a medical emergency and needs time for recovery, as well as to get back into their regular routine. Although I can't say for certain when the interview might be available for my regular readers, I do wish that person a speedy recovery and hope that we can get things done as soon as humanly possible.

         I saw the news about the violence that broke out at Charlottesville, Virginia recently and I find myself struggling to care about it. I'm saddened by all of those who were injured and killed, but to think that all of this was over the local government's decision on taking down a statue of Robert E. Lee is absurd. This is the result of "Brave New World" social and intellectual conditioning, which rears it's head into a "1984" 5-Minute's hate with screams, brawls, and bloodshed. I can understand the historical and cultural ramifications of removing the statue, but at the end of the day, it is just a statue. If we all feel like we have to let fists fly over that and what it may personally symbolize, I think there are a lot more pressing issues at hand.

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