What is your definition of Anarchy?

What Is Anarchism?

Anarchism, for many abstract terms, is often compared to chaos and social evasion(at least where i come from) that certainly leads civilization to destruction. Thus, it causes negative emotions in most people.So let's break the myths that are imposed on us through movies, media, books, and even through the education system and try to show Anarchy in its original sence.

Anarchism is primarily a method and a life philosophy that aims to creat a completely free society, a society of equality, cooperation, non-violence, in short a welfare society (Anarchy). So anarchism is a method, while anarchy is a goal. Anarchism is the ideal of the best lifestyle. Anarchy is a way of life. Anarchism is the idea that the government (state) is unnecessary and harmful. Anarchy is a society without a government. Anarchists are people who believe in anarchism and want to live anarchy as our ancestors practiced.


Every person is completely free to do whatever he wants, as long as it does not harm others. Of course, this requires a high degree of responsability and awareness. In order to implement so important social change, unlike many other ideas that generally propagate only change of authority, we need to "kill" our ego and raise solidarity on a whoooole new level.

Changing the goverment does not mean a social change, but rather just changing the name of the elite. Anarchism rejects all forms of authority that are necessarily repressive and thus do not allow personal freedom nor questioning the authorities. Hierarchical organization that enforces rules is not an equivalent to the organization as such, and the states repression should be replaced with decentralized, non-hierarchical organization based on vuluntary co-operation and mutual assistance.


Religion for example, is rejected because it is seen as the ultimate form of domination by which God gives commands to his subjects, while Christian church invites people to pray for those on power, regardless of what they've done. This is verry complicated topic to elaborate so I'll try to scratch the surface instead of going deep.

Personally, i believe that people have used religion as a tool of manipulation, by which they were able to control the people, to manage their fears in order to create some social norms which will justify the actions made by rulers. Let us remember why did Car Constantin I. in 325.n.e accepted Christianity as a state religion of Roman Empire. Having in mind that he had to govern the state that was composed of numerous nations living under one crown(by force), it becomes obvious why he made such move. What would you do In order to maintain peace among the people of so large empire??
I'm just giving an example, my opinion is not exclusively.

Who are Anarchists?

Anyone, you, me, people on the street, people in factories, bus, school, anyone who recognizes the importance of social change that would lead to the creation of a free society or bringing us closer to that goal.Since anarchism is not a dogmatic ideology, it is based on personal freedom, personal initiative and reflection, there is nothing that could be an obstacle for someone who wants to choose anarchism as his own method and adapt it to his needs and desires. This only strengthens the movement, expands the course of action and creates even better conditions for the so needed social change.

This is just a brief introduction to this term, I did not elaborate on the whole issue due to its complexity,but most definitely will in upcoming times!
If you have anything to add, i would be more than grateful. Cheers!

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