Why we don't need a Government to fuction as a society (Blueprint for anarchy)

Compiled for study:

When we're forced to pay one group of people for public services, with no alternatives, their priorities then become that of those who willingly pay them (Lobbyists), expecting something in return. Because the state continues to receive payment, regardless of their quality of service.

So instead of Government, what if we chose who we gave money to in exchange for services in the public sector? Such as Courts, Hospitals, Security, ect.

Society is Private sector plus Public Sector, both organized in a significantly horizontal fashion according to anarchy.

Private: Belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual or specific group. A for-profit business.

Public: All the people as a whole or as a community. Goods or Services that benefit all of society rather than the individual. These include Security, Infrastructure, Transportation, Education, Healthcare, ect.

Monopolies are enforced through state aggression.

Adam Smith's definition of Monopoly:

The privilege of a legal barrier to competition, such as a license or franchise.
This can be simplified to being “A grant (Funds or products given or allowed) from the state”.
Therefore to compete with a monopolist is to go against the state.

Such a person would be suppressed by force, which is why monopolies and aggression are intimately related. Tariffs (Restrictions on foreign goods) are Oligoplistic (Ol-i-gop-lis-tic: Multiple Monopolies) making them a burden on both consumers and manufactures. This includes copyrights and patents as well.

Monopolists are in a much stronger position to influence politics due to their greater financial resources. Because when the monopolizer is the only supplying firm, they have the power to raise prices without adversely affecting demand for their products/ services.

The reasons for why they would influence politics, could be to ensure no anti-monopoly measures are undertaken. But also, to extend the monopoly to include other products or services, or to reduce safety regulations and worker rights. Monopolies can also be made into the reason for why more state controls are needed, which would also be under their influence.

What makes a Government different from every other social institution is that it has been given the legal right or insistence to initiate force against you, until you either comply or you die. Laws are death threats, which is why people comply with them. Hence, the essence of Government being an agency with a monopoly on the initiation of force in a geographical area.

Rules are relatively fixed ways to settle thing's in an orderly manner.

The courts on local, regional, and confidential levels are where Common laws are created. Common or Case-generated law are rules established by judges in court decisions when settling a dispute.

Case law evolves as judges give reasons for their decisions and cite precedents from other cases which had a bearing on their decision.

Human interaction is subject to regulation by customs, ethics, religious belief, and common law.

There are three possible aims of punishment: Restraint, Revenge, Reform
But the state only succeeds at the first two.

A justice system is needed to hold people accountable for their actions. So that instead of Ochlarchy (Mob Rule: When a percentage of the population rules through the use of bullying), we have due process or some form of reconciliation.

Police: A civil force granted the legal authority for law enforcement and maintaining public order. It comes from the Ancient Greek word “politeía” (To live as a citizen with rights in relation to a Government).

Police inherently involve the use of coercion, which means to restrain and the actual or threatened use of force to compel an action by another person.

But with Anarchy, the goal is not the absence of coercion, but the absence of a centralized coercive authority by a ruling class.

Examples of a private security force:

Security at department stores, armored cars that transport currency or valuable items, private investigators / detectives, nightclub bouncers, personal bodyguards, debt collectors (Repo men), and neighborhood watch.

With a neighborhood watch, the people won't need police to provide security.

There is also a difference between Government and Governance:

Government: Territorial monopoly on violence, rule creation, & enforcement.
Governance: Accountability for consistent cohesive policies, processes, and decision rights (Management).

Pensions and Welfare

The people who currently have pensions are unlikely to risk switching to a system in which they rely on donations, distributed through an organization.

  • What if these organizations don't distribute donations fairly?
  • How would we know whether or not they are?

For this, the people who donated and those receiving funds are given a receipt with the following info:

  • The individuals that are receiving payment, so they can compare what they've been given (Which could also be the cost of produce / products).

    • How many people donated and how much each person gave (Unless they chose to remain Anonymous), plus the total amount overall.

They can compare their receipts with those of others, to check for any errors.
If there's a problem, then they can inquire the org to fix it.

If the issue is not resolved (Or if there's no reply), then they'll need to ask one of the decision-making groups to demand an audit, in which they ask people for their receipts and compare them (This may be done on a monthly basis).

Multiple decision-making groups can arise when needed, so that no single group can monopolize authority.

If the results are not satisfactory, then the group may notify the people who are donating by issuing a notice in a press release or in their newsletters (To notify anonymous donators, whose contact details are unknown).

People will then have the option to continue paying or seek an alternative, which is to have other people distribute the payments.


Ochlarchy (Mob Rule): Violent supremacy through action of a police-like force. The pronunciation of Ochlarchy could be written as A-car-key.

Anarchy (An-ar-chy) and Anarchism (An-ar-chism) is the system and management without rulers. Co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery.

“An” in Greek means a word without it's suffix.

A suffix is something that's added to the end of a word.
For example, the suffix for “Kind” could be a “ly”, “er”, or “est”.

The “An” is connected to the “arch”, not the “y” (The “y” indicates a system).

The suffix “arch” means “ruler” (Superior in contrast to subordinate), so Anarchy means “Management and coordination without rulers from a bureaucracy (Economical / administrative superiors in private and public sectors)”.

The more common archy's include Monarchy (A state that is inherited or given to somebody's descendant), Oligarchy (The rule of a few), Polyarchy (A state ruled by more than one person), Ochlarchy (Mob rule), and Plu-toc-racy or Plu-tar-chy (Control by the wealthy).

There can also be different percentages of anarchy. 100% anarchy means 100% coordination on equal footing, without superiors or subordinates
(A horizontal organization).

The word Government originates from the Old French word Gouvernement (speak), which is a combination of the Latin word “Gouverner” (I steer, to drive) and “Ment”, an old French word that comes from the late Latin “Mente” (mind).

Thus, the word Government translated can mean:

(To steer / drive + The Mind) or simply “To Control”.

The word Mente was used to express a state of mind (Quick-minded).
So another way of seeing it could be: (To steer / drive + with a quick mind)

The difference between Supremacy and Ochlarchy is that Supremacy is the quality of being Supreme while Ochlarchy is violent Supremacy through actions of a police-like force.

Agorism: From the Greek word “Agora”, which means an open place for assembly (Marketplace). The center of social and cultural life, where people could exchange ideas. Agorism itself is the philosophy that all relations between people are voluntary exchanges (Free Market) and advocates the creation of a voluntaryist society by means of Counter-Economics.

Counter Economics: The study and/or practice of all peaceful human actions which is forbidden by the state (Black Market).

Voluntarism (Vol-un-ta-rism): A reliance on volunteers to support an institution or achieve an end. A community organized by the cooperation of individuals.

Agorism is also about the constant integration of Libertarian theory with Counter Economic practice.
This being, a consistency of thought and action or a combination of theory and practice.

Libertarian: One who opposes state intervention.

Innovations without Government / Counter Economics

The goal of innovation is to deliver value to customers.

Innovation could be considered as falling under two categories:

Horizontal innovation is when a technology achieves the same end, without infringing patents.
The necessity to avoid patent infringement, requires people to find new ways to do the same thing.

Vertical innovation is when the same technology is improved upon, like an open-source project.
These however, are prevented by Government patents.

They are both driven by a desire to meet a demand.

Black markets involve the buying and selling of goods and services in violation of laws or government mandates.

Counter Economics: The study and/or practice of all human action which is forbidden by the State, including violation or non-compliance with regulations; sale and delivery of controlled or forbidden substances; ignoring of all borders and internal state boundaries, customs, tariffs, duties and taxes; evasion of taxes, tributes, levies and assizes; non-compliance with personal regulation.

Homesteading (A lifestyle of self-sufficiency) of areas forbidden by the state but out of its reach.
Failure to report anti-statist acts and to turn in anti-statists (agorists).

Free Market: All relations between people are voluntary exchanges.

~ Robert LeFevre

Examples of Counter-Economics include:

  • DryCell technology, for improving the efficiency of automobiles.
  • Ride-sharing programs such as Uber & Lyft

    • Airbnb connects homeowners with potential renters via the internet.

      • 3D printers allow users to violate patents & copyright law by downloading a model from an open-source archive (Thingiverse & Fab@Home) or scanning objects to make CAD files that can be shared with others.

        • BitCoin & LiteCoin are alternative currencies which allow users to by-pass Taxes and make anonymous transactions.

          • Homemade foods

            • Alcoholic beverages can be sold without a liquor license, by selling them for free and accepting donations from customers.

              • Boycotting apps

                • Solar power that doesn't require you to make changes to your switchboard.

The Expandable Solar Power System (Plug and Play)
Or using Batteries to take energy from the grid during off-peak hours.

When the few producers that are supported by Government and make up most of the whole economy fail, then so does their market.

~ Money Morning:
Why Government Intervention Hinders Progress and Innovation

In what's known as “Patent Trolling”, a company may buy rights to patents they don't use. Because they can instead sue anyone who uses them.

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