Government Incentivizes Evil and Barbarism; It Must be Abolished

There is a common argument that government's aren't violent, but rather humans are violent. Therefore, abolishing government won't do anything to solve humanity's problems. Basically governments are made up of imperfect beings so all institutions or organizations will be imperfect. The argument assumes any human organization will fall into corruption and predatory behavior, thus ridding ourselves of government is naive and shortsighted.

This is true as far as humans are fallible and prone to corruption. However, the missing factor is that governments actually incentivize evil and violent behavior. This means the skewed economics of government aren't taken into consideration. Governments are magnets for sociopaths. Government is the institutional religion that enthrones brutishness and barbarism. Government functions by allowing the few to control the many. It is the idea that a couple of special men have the divine right to use aggression against other men. In this regard, government actually rewards corruption, violence, and brutality.

If we have the understanding that men are prone to become corrupt and aggressive, then we certainly do not want to enshrine those characteristics in an institution. If we do, we are essentially asking for a violent and chaotic society. In order to escape this situation, governments must be totally abolished and the incentive structures in society must be aligned with peace, goodwill, and prosperity. This means we cannot reward people for doing bad things.

These aligned incentives are the incentives embedded in the business or market economy. If a business or institution gets punished financially for harming others, then it will be unlikely to continually engage in those behaviors. For instance, if a company decided that it was good to coerce other men with laws or rules, then it is unlikely people would continue to conduct business with those organizations. Why would they? Why would people contribute to their own harm by procuring services from that broken enterprise?

The reason why governments get away with the nastiest behavior, including murdering their own people via democide, is because they expropriate money from the population via taxes. They extort people. This means they are making money regardless if they do an awful job. This means they do not have to care about the people or "customer" so to speak. They can behave how they see fit, and can do the worst possible job. These are what's called broken incentives. If we repair these broken incentives by making sure organizations pay for malevolent or inefficient behavior, then we will begin creating a truly peaceful and decent society. Until then, we will live under wanton authoritarian barbarism. And dare we called this society a "civilized" one? Is it civilized to institutionalize violence?

These kind of questions answer themselves.

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