Beginning Your Inner Journey to Paradise.

The journey to mastery over the world begins with mastery over your self.
"As within, so without." So states the Thrice Great Hermes.

Many humans in our age never come close to ever seeing the true self, or mastering their lives. This is because we live in a world where this information, and these keys are intentionally hidden. The keys will take you beyond your ego. To master your self, you must understand that it does not matter what you have done, who your friends are, your possessions, achievements, money, your mental labels of your self. NOT ONE of these things matter. Further more, it does not matter who I am. Drop your ego's initial reaction, or emotional response to what I say, and listen. Do accept, but question, and listen. I am here only for you.

Many who begin to become conscious of the illusion, and aware of the matrix do not go beyond recognizing its existence. I here will give you some pointers as to where to look for a better understanding. Life is a game, and a Mystery School. Every lesson you learn, and apply leads to you becoming magnified. Align yourself with the higher purpose of the universe, and no matter your station, want will not be with you.

The first step to distilling the illusion is mastering your breath. The breath will lead you to understand rhythm, and it will still your mind for a moment. The quiet mind is not dumb, it is beyond human intelligence. You are not the thinker, you are not the thoughts, you are the one who is aware of the thoughts passing through the mind. Become aware of your thoughts, and sensations. Do you truly rule yourself right now? In this very moment, as you sit, and read this, are you reigning sovereign over the temple that is your being?

Perhaps you are distracted, perhaps there is a screaming child in the background, or something you forgot to do, and you are having irritable thoughts, that manifest irritable behaviors. Accept it for now, you are reading this article, you have the choice to become affected, and react, or the choice to Act, and be unaffected. If you are not at peace, you are not sovereign.

This is the first step. Become cause, and not effect. As your day carries on, I ask that you simply observe your mind's reactions to things it perceives. Why are you angry, or skeptical? Instead focusing on feeling, and thinking, just observe. Master this.

Learn the great principal of Cause, and Effect, and you will truly see how enslaved humanity is to circumstance, but you will become free, and others by you.

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