Gangstalking: An Overview

Though this probably won't reach a very wide audience, I want to raise awareness about this disturbing practice. Many of you know me by my advice articles, poetry, ect. You may not know, buried in the first few posts on my blog, is the real life encounter I had with gangstalking. The idea of organized stalking may be hard for you to comprehend, so I want to lay out some information.

What is gangstalking?
Gang stalking is organized harassment. It's a psychological attack that can destroy an individual, while at the same time leaving little to no evidence that would incriminate the stalkers. It has become more widespread over time and nearly nothing can stop it. As our freedoms continue to erode, it will get worse.

Who are they?
I have not been able to pinpoint who they are because I've seen them from all walks of life. I think a target is identified from a high rank, and other groups are free to piggyback on the prey. Look up cointelpro. It has changed since then but it's still around.

Who are the targets?

  • Whistleblowers: someone who is naturally prone to whistleblowing may become a target, whether it be after speaking out against the government or a large corporation.
  • Outcasts and loners: One who has already severed their ties with the community and humanity at large is an easy target, because they often speak of the evils of a large group, and they are already isolated.
  • Idealists, dreamers, and empaths: These delicate souls are very sensitive to changes in their environment, and they will notice things that others don't look twice at. Gangstalking tactics can cause them to over analyze, and the hatred will cause much distress.
  • Women are often targets. This is a statistical truth.
  • The mentally Ill: Now it may seem to you that if one is mentally Ill, the experience of gangstalking may be contrived, but this makes them perfect victims, as it's unlikely they will be taken seriously. Veterans with PTSD and autistic persons are not excluded from being targeted.

What is their goal?
Gangstalking is a "soft kill." Any of these outcomes is ideal to the perpetrators.

  • To drive the victim crazy or make them look crazy
  • To silence, isolate or control the victim
  • To cause job loss and homelessness
  • To keep the target under constant surveillance
  • To cause the victim to become a vigilante
  • To cause suicide

What are their methods?

  • Aggressiveness from strangers in the community: such as death stares, whispering to one another, and hostile strangers shoving past.
  • Blantant hacking of one's devices: remote desktop hacking, hostile words in code up on the computer screen, no privacy. Knowing one's every move so as to know when to attack.
  • Hand signals: finger being drug across the throat, hand in the shape of a gun, the pumping of fists.
  • Driving aggressively or in ways that don't make sense: slowing down and watching while the victim is outside, repeatedly going around the block and staring, swerving around, repeatedly flicking headlights on and off, as well as noise attacks like strangers honking their horns at the person for no reason.
  • Never the same person twice, that's how they get away with it.

What to do: This is on record for anyone going through this.

  • Calling the police doesn't work. What are they going to do? When I called the sherrif, he said he was getting several calls about the same thing. He took my information and I never heard from him again.
  • Don't be scared, they are not going to physically hurt you. If you're afraid, they have the upper hand.
  • You can't stop it and this is my advice, they want a reaction, ignore them! Ignore, ignore, ignore, and they will back off by 90%. This is your first choice. That said, be brave and speak out, but when you're out and about, don't let it phase you. You can get through this!
  • The second choice? Continue to fight, continue to deliberate on who to confront, continue to notice every little thing they do to you. I guarantee, you will be miserable.

Thousands of Americans are coming forward with their own stories. When this started happening to me, I didn't even know there was a word for it. As crazy as it sounds, it's real, and it causes much damage. Here's my story:

Thanks for reading!
Love, snowpea ❤

First picture from Google images, second picture from Pixabay

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