Movies for Anarchists - Serenity

Hello Steemit movie lovers, libertarians, anarchists and anyone who falls in the middle of that Venn Diagram! This is my first entry in a new series where I recommend great movies for anarchists. 

About "Movies for Anarchists"

In this series, I won't just be exploring films with an overt pro-liberty message. All of them will at least contains seeds of that message, but the most important factor I'll be looking for is whether the movie challenges the audience to think about freedom. 

I'm going to try to keep these reviews generally spoiler-free because I want you to watch these movies. But I also want to give you a taste of its libertarian content, so mild spoilers will follow.

Without further ado, here's the first entry:

Serenity (2005)

This trailer does not do the film justice...

It should come as no surprise that I'm beginning this series with Serenity, a classic among libertarians. Serenity is the sequel to the short-lived TV series Firefly. Now, it isn't absolutely essential that you watch Firefly first, but... you should. It's awesome.

Years ago, The Alliance wanted to unify all of the inhabited planets and moons of the system under their rule. The Independents (also known as the Browncoats) resisted their rule leading to a system-wide war. The Independents lost and now The Alliance hold the seat of power.

Malcolm Reynolds, a former Independent soldier and now captain of the ship Serenity, just wants to live his life as he chooses. He and his crew find work where they can; sometimes illegal, sometimes not. When the renegade crew of Serenity agrees to hide a fugitive on their ship, they find themselves in a battle between the relentless military might of a totalitarian regime who will destroy anything - or anyone - to get the girl back and the bloodthirsty creatures who roam the uncharted areas of space.

What makes this a great movie for anarchists?

To me, it's an endlessly fascinating (and aggravating) thing that Joss Whedon writes so much pro-liberty content when in reality he's often caught up shilling for the Democrats. But we can discuss Whedon another day. 

Dystopian fiction is all the rage these days, especially in the form of Young Adult novels and their movie adaptations. Serenity stands apart from these. The Alliance hasn't created a totalitarian dystopia. From what we can see in the series (and a little bit in the movie) life is pretty good for those under their regime, excepting those who live in the oft-neglected outer planets. But it isn't enough for life to be pretty good. Life isn't life unless you're free to live as you see fit, and no government can allow that.

This is a rare fictional universe where the heroes are fighting to live free from a government that is just... a government. Their evil is no more exceptional that that of our own "good" governments that citizens of Western countries seem to prize. It's a government that doesn't just want to violently oppress it's people. No, it wants to make life better for everyone. It wants to make people better. 

C.S. Lewis once wrote, 

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

This the heart of the problem in Firefly, Serenity, and real life. People with take away your freedom and commit the most atrocious acts in many cases because they truly believe it's for your own good.

As Captain Malcolm Reynolds says, 

Sure as I know anything, I know this - they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, ten? They'll swing back to the belief that they can make people... better. And I do not hold to that. So no more runnin'. I aim to misbehave.

What are you waiting for? Go watch this movie! It's awesome.

I've already got a mental list of movies I want to talk about, but if you have any recommendations please leave them in the comments!


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