A Letter To a Revolutionary

The following is a re-post of my own reply to a submission by another Steem user, the original context can be found here. His words hit home to me as I have often felt the same, and easily identified with what he had to say. I know that there are many others out there who have felt alone in this struggle, and I want to share my message with as many of them as I can reach. Please share the following words if they ring true to you. I don't need to be credited if you re-post them. In fact, I would prefer that this message take the form of an anonymous letter, but one that is shared far and wide. So many need to hear these words. The message follows below:

Do not fall into despair. You may feel outnumbered and besieged on all sides but you are not alone, my friend. Quiet your mind. Shut out the mindless distractions that are set before you. Most of all, strive to be the change that you want to see in the world, and nurture that change in others. Seek out the souls who see what you see and support one another.

Revolution can manifest in many forms. Subvert the authority of those who have claimed dominion over you. Seek out and give your support to the little pockets of anarchy around the world. This is an exciting time to be alive! We have technology that can bring us all together like never before, to freely organize and exchange ideas. Support decentralization wherever you find it. Try to seed it where it is not found. Peer to peer technologies, cryptocurrencies, encryption to guard our subversion from the oppressors, these are weapons of liberty.

Learn to code. While some activists stand, shouting in the middle of the crowd, they're voices being drowned out by all the noise of the mindless distractions that are meant to entrap minds; programmers are working quietly from the fringes and changing almost overnight the way in which entire societies interact.

Seek to touch the minds of all those souls you come across who have not yet woken up to see the perils around them, but be gentle and patient. Some of us have been awake our entire lives, while others have only recently experienced such an awakening. For those who have not, the cognitive dissonance triggered within them when confronted by concepts that contradict the lie that they have been conditioned believe and have invested their lives into reinforcing is often too much. Don't overwhelm them. Instead practice sowing tiny thought seeds everywhere you go. Accept that some may be too far gone to save. Their minds have been pummeled for to long by fear and hatred. They are dangerous, but do not hate them, only pity them, and be wary of them.

Above all, remember:

You are not alone my friend. Do not be discouraged. We are many. Our numbers are growing. Our minds are strong.

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