
This whole society is an authoritarian religious cult.

The violent imposition and perpetuation of this belief system is causing great damage to our environment and us.

I do not submit. I am done.

I am putting my complete and total faith in the universe and in myself and my own creativity and moving with synchronicities.

I am not contributing to this sick state of affairs any longer. The system is not conducive to a truly, authentically happy, healthy life for anyone. I've abandoned ship!

We have a better way, its on my website http://anarkeden.com/anarchy

I've done all I can to grow this food forest, make this movie, and make this website, formulate my action plan, and elucidate people as to the justification for my actions.

I am making my own way and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me! I am going to heal the collective wound, destroy the illusion of this entire paradigm and usher in the new way!

I invite everyone to join me and rise up, no one is excluded.from this beautiful future that is ours to claim!

No longer can we COMPLY with the religious cult of SLAVERY and EXTINCTION out of FEAR of the consequences. The consequences of continued compliance are far too great and the promises of glory and riches in Anarkeden are too overwhelmingly inspiring and so motivating!

I'm focusing on my joy. I'm focusing on my heart. I'm focusing on what I WANT TO SEE IN THIS WORLD MANIFEST!

ANARKEDEN! Peace, freedom and wealth for all human beings. An automatic wealth generating ecosystem!

I am done with the system. Let's be DONE together! All of us!

Let's bring an end to this CULT and create the lives of our dreams, together

2018-2020 prep for revolution
2020-2023 revolution
2025 golden age is born for thousands of years


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