#ANARKEDEN - The Elephant in the Forest

#anarkeden #harmony #family #leadership #grace #majesty #nature #strength #compassion #fearless #power #earth

Everyone is inspiring me and we are inspiring each other.

This is majik manifest. Wisdom in Satya Yuga the Age of Truth, Aquarius Saturn/Uranus vibes

Anarkeden = Total Freedom in Paradise ~ an idea everyone can resonate with!

This is not just a pipe-dream, but a true opportunity awaiting us NOW!

Anarkeden's inclusive attitude results in an empowered, unified body of knowledge, granting us the ability to redefine problems and reach profound solutions based on a more holistic understanding of this once complex situation!

We see evidence that when 1000s of people from around the world participate in meditations, we can influence the energetic ocean of consciousness around us positively.

With this in mind, Anarkeden will allow us to participate in a mass evolution by vectoring our consciousness in coherence, like a laser-beam of thought! Our hearts also have this same power. Spiritually this is very powerful.

This has the potential to cause shockwaves throughout the entire ocean of consciousness!

The media will not advertise it so it is up to us, it has nothing to do with me, but the idea itself!


Anarkeden represents a collaboration of efforts from free human beings everywhere to create the same goal:

With open hearts and minds, enthusiasm and excitement we maximize and potentiate our success. We demonstrate Anarkeden's efficacy and we help each other achieve the mutual end-goal #symbioticsociety

We broadcast a NEW WAY through ART to SHIFT the CULTURE and create a habitat that promotes our growth and evolution.

You KNOW the only way forward is to spark an unstoppable, decentralized critical mass tipping point. Great ideas can DO THIS! Let's paint a picture of a new future that is in harmony with Natural Law!!! (Jupiter in Sag in the near future)

Let's move into our heart and expand together (North Node Leo) and create a life that feels like HOME, a life that feels like COMFORT and SAFETY (North Node in Cancer in near future)

It can be achieved together in next to NO TIME, and once its done, kick back and relax!

This is how we really ascend humanity, accepting personal responsibility and making this happen.

Through doing this empowering work we move beyond and rise above the issues of the old paradigm, we bring people to the light, we remove the barriers to human progress, we embrace our shadows and love ourselves enough to heal ourselves from the self-imposed chains and resistance.


Integrating Natural Law, Permaculture, Astrology, Anarchy and Shamanism into Human Culture!

The Elephant in the living room changed its tactic and created a forest. The Elephant refers to the obviousness and greatness of the solution, and majesty. Elephants symbolically represent power, leadership, family, grace. They signal it is time to seek harmony in society. It is time to stand strong but remain compassionate. Interesting invokation.

There is always something exciting going on in reality. At certain times the stars indicate more stable and easy energy, and sometimes they indicate chaotic energy. How we respond is everything. Life is what we make of it.

The energy on planet earth is very heightened at this moment because humanity has never been in a situation like this before. The years ahead are very potentiated as we are transitioning to the age of aquarius.

2012-2025 is a particularly exciting time for a number of reasons, distinguished by a rise in consciousness, the old systems collapsing, human beings everywhere realizing the truth about this reality and empowering themselves with occult wisdom.

We see so much at stake due to the negative consequences of this unsustainable system, and conversely so much on offer with the potential of a much better system such as that being promoted at #Anarkeden


We each have enormous potential to create a world infinitely better than what we are currently accepting by rising up consciously and co-creating a mutually beneficial life, that's our generation's destiny and legacy in my opinion.

We are truly blessed to perceive Neptune in Pisces in our Lifetime right now, Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, the other planets too, its an AMAZING time on planet earth, unprecedented, the years ahead are perfectly catalyzed for humanity's evolution through Anarkeden's CONSCIOUS UPRISING!

Yes, I have been conspiring since 2008 to destroy the slavery system, and create a state of total freedom. I am now henceforth calling this operation #Anarkeden, this is essentially a design and a strategy for the new earth

(mastering 3D and 4D to initiate 5D).

When I say destroy, I mean conceptually in people's minds. This is done through providing inspiration regarding alternative conceptualizations that inevitably lead to innovation and transformation in society. This is how we remove this slavery system from our lives, through our own will-power and mutual empowerment.

With the help of the most powerful free-thinkers on earth, spirit-guides, my higher self, and astrology, I have been plotting a Conscious Human Uprising. It's not legal but it is lawful and necessary, and so much more beneficial than further compliance with this old paradigm.

For the first 6 months of 2018 I have been inspired like crazy and I am very optimistic about the future should humanity embrace this idea.

Please check my first rap where I spoke into reality that I Would Destroy the Illuminati:

and please check my Movie here which provides Justification for Uprising:

and please check this Presentation here which gets into the Solution:

Anarkeden is a peaceful, love-based, empowering, decentralized approach.

Please adapt this strategy to your own life and see what we can achieve together!

Anarkeden represents a collaboration of efforts from free human beings everywhere to create the same goal

It is the acknowledgement that we have infinite of room to grow and evolve and learn new things, we have barely figured out how Nature functions or our place in reality, Anarkeden provides so many important evolutionary foundations for human ascension.
Much love!

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