Playing Politics is Immoral and Stupid

Two quick thoughts regarding people who decide to play in the immoral circus know as "politics":

    • If you're like most statists, then you call it "evil special interests" when someone else uses the violence of the state to serve their own interests at the expense of your freedom and prosperity, but you call it "legitimate representative government" when you use the violence of the state to serve your own interests at the expense of other people's freedom and prosperity. Either way, it's the same damn thing. Either way it's wrong, and if you complain about one while cheering for the other, you're a hypocritical, immoral statist.
    • Furthermore, when you run to "government" to beg it to use its power to serve your interests at the expense of other people's freedom and prosperity, and then you're shocked when someone else--someone with a lot more money than you--ends up getting the ruling class to serve their interests instead of yours ... well, then you're not only an immoral hypocrite, but you're also kind of stupid. Why would you ever think the politicians would sell their souls to the lower bidder (you)? How clueless do you have to be in order to be shocked and offended when you lose that immoral game?
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