DMT trip report


This is my second installment of "How to kill your social media profile" or how to turn a piece of plankton into an amoeba, today I thought I'd write a DMT trip report to give the poem I published yesterday some perspective.

That poem can be found here.

This story details my first "Breakthrough" experience, my first experience was more of an OOBE experience where not much happened besides leaving my body for a while but the second experience (this one) was so deeply moving that it left me in tears by the time it was over.

This is part one of my story, I'll try to write the rest tonight.

I was gifted some DMT from a mate I knew through an ethnobotanical forum when we had group meetup one time, he handed it to me and said "that's for you". "Cool" I replied, what is it?
It's DMT
OK, so what do I do with it?
You smoke it

I tried a bit with another guy at the meet and as I explained above not much happened. So it sat locked away in my shed where the kids wouldn't find for about a month until one day when the rest of the family went out and curiosity got the better of me.

Anyway I'd read a bit about it in that time and prepared a launch pad on my living room floor and fashioned a primitive bong out of a plastic orange juice bottle and a piece of garden hose. I half filled a cone I'd made from boilermakers chalk with mugwort and sprinkled a good pinch of DMT on top and lunged it in and immediately started packing another cone. By the time I started smoking the second one I could feel it really starting to kick in and I remember thinking to myself, I hope I'm not having too much here

So I layed down on my launch pad and closed my eyes as I blew it out I remember thinking to myself, wow this is like a big dose of acid, by now my ears were ringing and as the ringing started to intensify I was seeing a 3d revolving pixelated matrix of something that was so beautiful that no words in the English language could do it justice.

That was the point where things really started to get weird, I could just see two long slender humanoid creatures dressed in what looked a bit a harlequin type of get up with long slender faces and oversized eyes. I wasn't scared at all as the figures had a loving female energy to them, they did appear a bit cheeky though. Then one of the beings started moving towards me and her face came through the matrix I was seeing and she got right in my face as if she were analysing me, that was a bit confrontational but because of the vibe she had I felt comfortable to relent to the experience and just go with it.

She then outstretched her hands and started caressing my temples with her long slender fingers which actually felt like it was really happening and it was very relaxing and soothing but then she reached into my head about where you'd imagine your third eye to be located and dragged whatever is in there that is the essence of me out through my third eye and took me on a hypersace ride to somewhere. That part was really scary and I was wondering if I'd actually died at that point because all sense of my body had dissolved and I had access to none of my mundane senses at all . To an outside observer I imagine would have appeared catatonic because I couldn't feel my body, it was if my body had ceased to exist.

So we traveled down this luminous tunnel at tremendous speed making several twists and turns along the way until we arrived at a door, she opened the door and beckoned for me to come through. I was a bit hesitant but I remember thinking if I'm dead it can't hurt to have a look what's in there, so I followed her in. I entered into a room with two other doors and she motioned to me to sit down and then opened one of the doors where I could see a room full of other beings having what looked like a telepathic conference and I got the impression they were having a discussion about me.

It felt like I waited there for about twenty minutes but that was a bit confusing as I knew that a typical DMT trip lasts less than that in its entirety so by this time I was thinking to myself I must have taken too much and I really was dead. She eventually returned and took me through the other door in this waiting room where she'd left me and we went on another journey floating though space until we arrived at a dimly lit planet where everything had a purple hue to it, it was incredibly beautiful and the sheer scale of it seemed to make our planet seem like a small pebble. I was wondering if I'd arrived in heaven by this point.

to be continued

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