I just applied for citizenship to Liberland! Thoughts, Reservations, and Enthusiasm about the New "Free Republic" in Southeast Europe


For those that may not know, Liberland is a newly-formed micro-country between Croatia and Serbia, which seeks to be the most libertarian state on the planet. I know, I know. Libertarian state? I'm not holding my breath either, or expecting a miracle. That said, it is, at present, leaps and bounds beyond any other violent nation-state I know of in terms of being actually non-insane and live-able. This is because the Liberland constitution itself is based on largely the voluntaryist anarchist philosophy.

In Liberland, private property is to be the law of the land. You own what you own. You can arm yourself, grow whatever plants you like, and make whatever private, voluntary contracts you want with whomever else without a "license." Your money is yours. No taxes.

One problem I see, however, and an issue which I believe is still currently under debate is the "Land Fee" discussed in the constitution. This to me is a huge red flag which just sounds like a euphemism for yet another tax.

Aside from this one issue at present. I like what I see. As long as you are not violating the self-ownership or private property of another individual, pretty much all things are permissible (as they damn well should be).

Who the hell knows what will come of it, but wish me luck! Has anyone else here on the platform applied? Anyone else already a "citizen"? If so, what are your thoughts on the "land fee?" My position, at present, and as a full-on, no-compromises "purist" anarchist, is this:

It may not be the ideal, but having citizenship in "Liberland" where there is still at least some semblance of sense behind the thinking organizing the society cannot hurt, as I am already here completely surrounded by violent statist, psycho-sociopath murderers in seats of unfathomably massive power. Might be nice to have somewhere less violent to run away to, if the need arises.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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