You Don't Always Get What You Want In A Free Society

I had the pleasure to speak with Larken Rose ( @larkenrose ) this week to discuss how easy it is to fall for the rhetoric of statists and think that they are condoning freedom.

If they are statists, they aren't condoning freedom, as Larken Rose points out. They are just condoning their own freedom and the subjugation of others.

We spoke about the allegory of the "ring of power" in the Lord of the Rings and the stupidity of creating government and giving massive power to one individual and just hope he/she does not use it to completely destroy us all.

Larken went on to point out that in a free society (aka anarchy), that you don't always get what you want... but that is far better than everyone being enslaved in order for some people to get some of the things they want some of the time.

We also got into Charlottesville and commented on the Chris Cantwell fiasco... and Larken gave his opinion on Stefan Molyneux... one that many of Stefan's fans won't like to hear.

You can see it all here:

Larken Rose will be one of the keynote speakers at Anarchapulco 2018 coming up from February 15-18th, 2018 in Acapulco, Mexico. And, he'll be running his 2 day workshop, Candles in the Dark, before or after the event (to be decided).

If you register now, before September 1st, you get a discount off of the Anarchapulco registration fee and you can do so at

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