Anarchy - How to Succeed - Translate Jargon 1

Welcome Steemit Friends - Modern education especially the humanities is replete with jargon. Today we will explore why anarchists fail to succeed.

John Trumbull ImagePublic Domain John Trumbull U.S. Declaration of Independence -

Anarchist Language Is Jargonized and Based on Marxism

  1. In the United States, you want less government and so does everyone else - except government.

What you want argue for and stand for are these three things:
a. Independence
b. Freedom
c. Liberty

What is funny is that you will find that the conservative members of the Republican Party want exactly the same things. Therefore, your best bet at succeeding is to adopt the principles and path of the most conservative members of your elected officials.

When you are an anarchist and you want little or no government, what you are saying in the United States is: you want the free market and you want that market based on supply and demand.

When you want a union, which is actually a guild, you are saying you demand the right to assemble.

When you are saying you want a Soviet - you are saying you want elected representation, the right to vote, and political equality.

When you are saying you want an end to government, what you are really saying is that you support the Second Amendment and the right to defend yourself.

When you say you want no government, you are saying that you want self determination, the right to make you own decisions.

When you say you want social evolution - you are saying that education is needed to make people responsible for the cause and effect of their actions.

When you say religion is the opiate of the people, you should have said, we demand our freedom, liberty, and independence from abusive government.

In fact, if you look at the picture above in it you will see men with the exact same goals and the will to do it you have. No, they are not perfect. No, they had to make political compromises. Yes, people need to change in order to accomplish the goals of freedom, liberty, and independence.

You went to college. They educated you. They filled your heads with useless words and meaningless phrases that only you know - the vast majority of people do not understand these words. They understand free market, freedom, equality, liberty, and independence.

The people never need to get on the same sheet of music as you. You need to get on the same sheet of music as the people. That is the way it works and that is the way it always has.

You must drop the jargon. You must translate it into language that is commonly understood and you must throw out the bullshit that Marx stuck in there because he just philosophized and nothing else. He did not even do credible research for his theory of social evolution.

Realize that the pen is mightier than the sword. Realize that getting a criminal record is useless. Realize that getting injured or killed is counter-productive. Recognize that the people are the strength and that what they know despite what you perceive as their intellectual limitations is what keeps you defended, alive, fed, and productive.

Again, you must change your language to match the language of the people or the people will consider you a threat and the very most an idiot.

The people do all the work. They know about work. The people make all the people. They know about people.

It is my personal opinion based upon experience, that you were used to make an enemy that did not exist solely to propagate certain forms of government overreach, such as surveillance.

Change your language. Think about your ideas and how they can be expressed in these terms: limited government, freedom, independence, liberty, the right to assemble, the right of self defense - then use the pen.

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