WTF?πŸ˜’A year in prison cost more than a year at HarvardU? 5W's for your mind😏

So... I came past this and it is still chewing at me. You all know we have major problems in the US regarding... well, everything haha right? But, more specifically I am speaking of the prison for profit scheme we have going. Check this out:

"At $75,560, housing a prisoner in California now costs more than a year at Harvard."

Screen Shot 2017-07-16 at 6.54.17 AM.png
Article and reference here.

I know its deep. We could sit and talk specifics all day. I get it. I'd want to.

But just 5 W's for the matter.

  • Who sets that kind of price so that housing of one inmate, for one year, cost more than a year at HarvardU?

  • Who actually profits all along this rat line?

  • Who makes all of the unjust laws so that anyone can be assaulted, kidnapped, put in a kangaroo court and caged over those unjust laws of (mostly) victim-less crimes in the first place?

  • Who is going to just follow the orders and never question anything so we can keep this big scam of going?

  • Where are you in the equation?


I hope it is very clear to all what this is all about.

I had to break up my jungle pattern/vibe with some real. I hope you all are well wherever you are in the world.
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