My last act of charity for all of you.


Hello Humans, if you read this is already too late for my soul, I’m nobody but i mean a lot for many. Even if at the same time i’m an Hacker, a Fraudster a social engineer but a philanthropist. But now i’m going to suicide. So thats my goodbye last act for all of you in needing.

Yes i have a name and a surname but most of the money I had made comes from “nicknames”.

I have multiple nicknames, I’m well knowed in the Darknet business, i’m here from the giant market place knowed as SilkRoad.

I did no terrible stuff in my life for the majority of you, but i did terrible stuffs for the whole police departments in the world.

My incomes are from big companies, Google, Facebook, Amazon, ebay, Target, Paypal, Skrill, Visa, Mastercard and many others. Plus i did a lot of blackmailing to rapers, pedophiles and people who avoid taxes and take advantage on poor peoples such Herbal life and other multi level marketing head operators.

I’m for most of you a bad person even if i run all my money into charity cause i believe in a world were people help eachothers and care about other Humans.

Now Lets go backwards a little bit.

I started my “black business” cause of my family, we used to be in a good finacial situation but after 2008 my family falled in misery.
This happened cause we got basically scammed and our law in our country does not help us.
Law in this country is slow, corrupted and not fair.

My father is that kind of guy who used to pay all taxes and many times in his business someone asked him for an “extra” to makes things happen (in short, bribe) my father always refused this so we went down and down…

I was feeling betrayed by our country so I started my criminal way. The first thing I tried was Fraud, basically selling items without sending them after payment.
In short I quit at the third call. People were trusting me, I sound trusty, with manners, polite and rich. But I just couldn’t finalize those scams. They were people like me, students, kids, Moms, Fathers. Stealing money to them cause they trusted me was just impossible to me. So started studying. I targeted Amazon with the “refund” scam. I started hitting pedophiles with malwares, spying them and after a few, with enough proof, blackmailing them, asking for money and after payment sending all the proof to their nearest police station.
I busted a lot of them personally.
I stealed money with money trasfer from herbal life and similar multi level marketing operators. Those guys are nothing more nothing less than scum fraudsters. So I managed to get into their computers and cashout all the money in them.
I black mailed politicians and priests for their for their adulterous deeds. Infecting their phones and gathering pictures, audios, videos were they were fucking prostitutes, Trans, Males and even really young 18 years old girls paying to be called “father” acting in a sick role play game. I tried multiple times to denounce this to the police after they paid money to avoid any kind of scandal, every times nothing happens. Politician and church are just untouchables.

These actions have cut me off small pieces of my soul, watching hours of pedophile videos and hundred of pictures while gathering information about those scums. I had to quit after 1 year, police departments that goes behind pedophiles are usually supported by a shrink, I was alone. So I went back and I stick to big companies attacks.

I Ran advertising campaigns by fraud on google ad sense, getting money from them and from facebook.
I sold vulnerabilities and 0days developed by me.
I was a good friend of many of the big names in the Darknet. I found many like me, betrayed by their country and striking back and running charity actions. Cyber criminals are not like normal road criminals, we are a family, most of us don’t touch the peoples, most of us are smart kids with a terrible experience, with no help from family and school, alone among the others, striking back just cause they won’t give to the strong powers and to the capitalism a chance to win the cyber war.

But…why i’m saying goodbye ?
In short I help everyone, thinking that if you see someone in danger, without money, asking for help, you can start with him a long term business, help him with some early money, make him clean up, study and after he will be your friend forever. Well, I figured out that is not like this.

I got scammed by those guys too many times, after few money were in the chest they just disappear with them. Closing everything, losing milions just to take few hundred thousand dolalrs.

The last thing that happened recently, after 5 year of “friendship” my “best friend” and his girl friend, came to my house and tide me up to a chair, beating me and black mailing me in the only point I can feel pain. “If you don’t give us your wallet password we will prove that all the money that you use for charity comes from Crime”. Well I help every year my family and other thousand of people. I give them food, work a roof and a place were you can go there and clean up your self, get some fresh clean clothes and than sit in the house till you find a job and you can go back to a normal life.

I just couldn’t let them fall. I believe that my partners in charity and I HOPE my country wont close all those places cause I’m not here anymore.

So the point is simple, I want to do a last thing before I go, since I don’t feel like starting back in Black business.

I feel like an idiot but I can’t take anymore.

In those 10 years I had no hollidays, I drive a little car, I have a normal house. I spend about 1500/2000€ month even if I do 40K€ on avarage per month and I still alone.
So I want just to leave an heredity to this world something that will change it. I put my self on the rod for the people, once more before I fade away.

You guys can change the world, but you need to aim to that, isn’t impossible, you need to stick, we are all humans. So lets go for a last action for the humans.

I will make everything in live streaming at the 15th of August.
But before you guys got 1 month for my last willing.
I want to do a last charity company with your clean money.
Why you should donate ?
Cause I will release my 5 Tb database with all video, pictures, calls, audios, emails, accounts of politicians, Company directors, pedophiles and church members.

Country hitted by my databes:

what I know ?
• Why North korea had missiles, where they bought them (cause yes they bought them, they got no technology to build them and why they where not working.)
• Whats going on about USA spying operations in EU and Islrael
• What kind of weapons are being developed for the upcoming war.
• Which politicians are working for other countries
• What is doing the catholic church (NOT THE POPE he is a good guy) to controll the mass, how they are spending money in cyber war and how they are killing thousand of people.
• Wich politicians and priests are rapers, murderers and pedophiles.
• Plus all my “toys”, 0days, malwares, botnets, RATs, Exploit Kits, my personal Metasploit with my full database. ( I have .doc, flash, java, browsers exploits, skype exploits, android, iOS and linux exploits) and my crypter wich is something never seen before, if someone reminds about “GOVrat” I rebuilded it with more functions and totally FUD exe from 3 years.
• I will give you my access to multiple companies, infrastructures, politicians computers and phones.

Now a nice question will be, why you don’t sell those stuffs ? Cause i’m afraid about how they will be used. If I publish them a scandal will come, vulnerabilities will be patched and maybe with my sacrifice a better world will happen. Aaron Swartz teached us something. His death saved the internet, so maybe with my death, I can save every year 1 milion people and maybe I will change the mind of some of you.

I hope this will make some heads go down. I hope with all those informations you will manage to strike down and revert many bad situations. I hope those guys will pay and you will not forgive, you will not forget and you will make them expect YOU.
I will place a low bounty for this, cause to start what I want to start and make all I did part of a virtuos circle that auto sustain itself to help almost 1 milion people every year just 200.000€ are needed. With every 100.000€ more I can help 1 milion people more every year.
How you say ?
It’s easy but nobody does this. Everything is treated as a “problem” like immigrants. But there are no problems, everything is a resource.
We can change the world with this this mind form.

Those money will create an auto system wich gives food, clothes, work and of course a work to every HUMAN in needing of help. The time for them is 3 months, they got clean up, refill, teached and followed into a job finding mission. Plus a Restaurant wich has 3 sections, one for the rich one, were they will pay for good quality food 3 times it’s price to help the others, one for the middle class, a social prices were the restaurant get just few money (2/3 euros) per person on an avarage price for a good quality meal (same as the rich section) for less than 7€. So basically every worker during the mid day launch break will be happy to help and enjoy an awesome meal coming from our production at 0 km. And the most important one the “social Restaurant section” wich is a free restaurant that works based on donation, you can pay a complete meal even 1 cent but we like to give you the right to “pay” (if you can) and if you can’t you will help (if you can) in the restaurant.

So I will cut this now.

Donate via Bitcoins or via what ever you want as long those are cryptos since I don’t want to get caught before releasing my databes.

Remind, I’m nobody, you are nobody but if you believe in ubuntu, there is no need to be someone as long you are part of a system.

Thanks for reading and sorry for my english but i just wrote without thinking.
Exchange favors, help when you can and fucking strike back against the capitalism.

BTC wallet: 18c7ADpEDTWTEYgQL9Ajw4wEvFX7ZG7ebD

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