
Women blame men, blacks blame whites, Christians blame Muslims, poor blame the rich and vice versa ... the guilt game seems endless. Welcome to the society of entitled, spoiled kids labeling themselves as useless victims of white patriarchy.

In this stench of guilt, a new wave of extreme groups emerge to left and right. Useless and pathetic protesting seems to not have no ending. Who are these protests addressed to? What is the grand plan here? All I can hear is: "hey politicians, you are politicians, be more politicians to solve the problems created by politicians". The mechanism of shifting the paradigm with mooing on the streets will make the old obsolete? By perpetuating in the loop of whining to our political masters? Since when did this work?

People keep creating ever bigger gap between ourselves, and despite the fact they are trying to extend justice and compassion for all, have no idea that they are being manipulated with emotions.

Everyone is being insulted by opinions of others, which are the basis of individual freedom. It is a manifestation of the inability to grow up. Suddenly your rights end where their emotions begin. After such a long time of being patronized by our sociopathic lords, no wonder we lack the emotional adulthood. This process is powered by illusions and inferiority complex of lack of knowledge.


Compassion has always been an important issue for most of us. Although compassion is highly desirable, when taken to extreme, just like any imbalance leads to pathology and the development of radical political systems.
Each of us is seeking justice for ourselves or others. Justice on its own isn't enough though. Absolute justice is cruel without a dose of compassion. Compassion allows people who have failed before, to try again.
We are not perfect and we shouldn't be. What would there be left to do? Life should be a study of one's own limitations and rising above them.

Without compassion, if we fail, only consequences await us. Pure justice deprived of compassion would mean that many of us, after the defeat of circumstances, would not have a chance to rise from the fall.
A healthy balance of tolerance however means that we cannot just simply accept everything.
A thriving society is the one in which justice provides principles, and if you are good enough to play by these rules, you have an opportunity to rise to the top of your game, with a healthy level of compassion that allows people who are mistaken to grow from their failures.

Would an automatic compassion for everyone, each time be desirable?
What if someone does not feel pretty, creative, rich, intelligent, funny or appreciated and blames everyone for setting the standards to high? What if I think I deserve to be valued and respected for bringing no value to others at all, blaming the more successful for my own uselessness? Should people just be given whatever they want from others?
What would motivate the "useless" to not be entitled parasites?
Should being a parasite be guaranteed by politicians' threats, we call laws?


Wouldn't this make everyone else a slave to the "perpetual victim class"? What would ever stop the blame game and make them learn from often self-created suffering? Only death of millions, as per every single time in history, the useless forgot to learn... they failed even on learning facts, ready to copy and paste into their head from some creative writers. Only complete useless loosers like Marx seem to speak their language.


Social activists pretend that the entire universe is conspiring against them and only they, the "humanitarian" people know how to fix it. They will use any excuse not to recognize their place in a society. They are usually people with no imagination who don't know how to create anything new. They blame the creative for being successful. Isn't it strange that useful people are always successful?


When creative people implement new projects that improve lives of others by meeting their needs, the useless can't stand that the society voluntarily chooses to reward not the useless, but the useful. Imagine that?! They think they should be rewarded equally and they blame creative people for lack of their own creativity.

Just like in case of justice and compassion, the key to success is always a healthy balance.
The creative need the "mundane" to run their projects. Without creative people, the "mundane" don't have an idea of their place in society and how to be valued by others. In their confusion, they will be looking for a way to "equalize" each of us.


Clinical trials of psychology repeatedly confirm how insane such thinking is and history has shown how the effects of such philosophy end up. Blaming will not end until millions of people are killed. Mao or Stalin's "social experiments" were quite enough for my taste.

While playing the childish blame game, we are forgetting more and more who we are as individuals.
In a sect of government, our identity and value is measured by status in our extreme groups. Individualism is thrown into one sack of our erroneous anticipation of values and opinions.
Why would complaining to governments, who are the cause of this imbalance help? Total control of the state is not the cure to a slightly smaller control we have today. Why isn't this obvious? Still, the mundane choose to improve the situation by protesting to their Santa Claus, blame the creative project owners and finally they will appoint their leader and start murdering all "guilty" of their own immaturity.


When they face a really difficult life situation, they break, get depressed and cannot find a way out, which causes enormous suffering. Emotional immaturity of people who for some reason do not grow up, makes them unable to find sense in life. Lack of sense of existence is the reason why they cannot cope in many situations that "happen to them" all the time. They feel offended, aimless, hostile, become arrogant and useless to themselves and others. Without the ability and striving to improve oneself, fixing others is becoming the goal.
Being "rather offended" by things that we do not fully understand has become the norm for the majority of people.


It is becoming increasingly difficult to use logic in an attempt to discuss the reality with such closed heads.
Particularly worrying is the fact that today young people instead of learning the details of a given problem, prefer to ride their high horse of compassion with their heads way up their own asses, which makes them both ignorant and arrogant; the attributes they project on the entire world, but themselves.
No matter what amount of lack of knowledge or evidence one will use to prove their uneducated point, this will never bend the laws of physics, nor will it change human biology or psychology to our outnatured misconceptions. The very beauty of humans is to have different interests and opinions.

A woman is not a man and vice versa. Biology does not care about artificial human constructs. Although it is simple and logical, if it goes for ignorant mob following their masters' nnarrative logic doesn't seem to be the priority. Blaming others for what we do not understand became the norm.

Today, postmodern neo-Marxism takes over minds and hearts of young people. They are guided by the imbalance of compassion and a twisted understanding of the current political system. We are indoctrinated by the propaganda brain-workers; governments, their mainstream media and neo-Marxist professors. They claim we are living in cruel capitalism, which murders and destroys our planet. And it is a very attractive idea, especially for the young, useless students with only small experience of life, hence little knowledge or solutions.


We can all see that the current system isn't working very well. Some people die from overeating and some from stravation while we keep bombing eachother. This cannot be the top of human potential. We intuitively seek an alternative that will work for everyone.

Equal opportunities are desirable for every person, regardless of the political system.
Most of people do not realise who is responsible for almost all of the injustice in thje world. And they are not supposed to. We are being bombarded with propaganda from birth, unable to see the cage we were born into.
Forcing all people to be equal as the golden solution to our problems is as unreasonable as treating all diseases with the same cure and expecting everyone to be healthy. It is a turd band-aid put on never-healing wound.


There are moments in everyday life when we can recognise that something we say or think is not true, because we did not devote enough time to learn all aspects of this knowledge and accepted someone's dogma for a fact.

Terms like "anarchy" or "capitalism" have been stolen and redesigned by the propaganda actors; politicians, their friends and their media.
If we look at what these terms really mean, we will find out that most of us consider these values not only desirable, but necessary for peaceful and voluntary cooperation and voluntary association of individuals and groups.


Anarchy does not mean "chaos". It means rules agreed on voluntarily, without the threat of death by the rulers' mercenaries. Capitalism does not mean the rule of the rich - that's the definition of a government. Instead it means the ability to create and exchange your passion on voluntary basis. Capitalism is the extension of self-ownership. It is the natural, logical and peaceful coexistence. I am me. You are you. I own my time. My time is my life and the only real currency. I am free to do with my life as I wish. What I create with my time is the extension of me. I am free to exchange the fruits of my creativity with anyone who wants it. If you are a free human being, the term "capitalism"is a redundant. At no point there is any room in this process for a bunch of narcissistic sociopaths, who need to order us around, as we are to savage and stupid to deal with each other. The involvement of the rulers always ends in tragedy and sooner or later will turn into fascism or socialism or anything in between.


Neo-Marxist, the socialists who forgot Mao, Stalin, Pot and 300 million dead, is based on ridiculous concept that you are not you. You are a part of a collective. I am not "I" anymore. You are as much "I" as I am.

I feel "I" as much as you feel "I", but you are not me. You cannot tell me what I want or need. If you think you can, you are a sociopath.
Even though there is probably noone in this world who doesn't believe they do not own themselves, neo-marxists do not believe in property. They want the totalitarian state to own everything and everyone, as the solution no not owning anything, because when you have things it is bad.

Did somebody hypnotize the human race? Yes.


In the indoctrination camps we call schools, we have been taught how not to recognize the simple logic of self-ownership. Noone teaches us how economics, neither finances or governments really work. Schools usually teach us the opposite. Noone thought that we should know how the money supply works, what is Keynesianism and how it differs from the free market of the Austrian school?

Does anything else today have a bigger influence on our lives?


Almost all of us reject the initiation of aggression against anyone without exception, unless it is a defense. How can we not see that our leaders are the only exception to common sense? Do you think that the rulers care quite a bit that their monopoly on violence and the magic power of changing idiotic and immoral deeds into a benevolent, moral top achievement of human potential by a signature on magic paper, would not surprise anyone?
If most people misunderstand basic concepts, the development of radical political systems can have its renaissance.
As every time, we seem to have forgotten, again, tyranny, as always, will be explained with respect, justice and compassion.
Even in perfect democracy, the exclusive control of individuals over their own lives is suppressed by the power of the majority over the minority.
All comes down to a sick philosophy that group identity is the most important thing.

How can this be normal for most of us and should we meet anyone who does not hallucinate this nonsense to be legitimate, they automatically become idiots not worth the debate?


The reason why people like to choose their leader is our instinct to organise into hierarchical groups, as most of animals on the planet.
However, there is a big difference in the leaders chosen by the consensus and rulers who brutally rule their subjects.
We choose leaders voluntarily based on their competence. Politicians seem to be exempt from any liability or competence or any civilized rules of a child above 5.

Communism, fascism, radical leftists, all other forms of collective power or even feminism are symptoms of the same herd disease - the collectivism of useless victims.


The collective mentality of people who think they have the right to represent everyone is a cancer that devours us from the inside. It does not matter who you are as an individual and what freedoms your rulers stole. You are a part of the machine of politics, and if you disagree and choose to be responsible for your own life, you are no longer civilized and deserve to be put in a cage by political mercenaries in costumes. The collective paradoxically never unites people. We argue with each other instead of uniting against the rulers and that's the point of this.


Equality in the group is the idea of ​​people without imagination who do not know that there are 7.5 billion single-person groups in the world. Group identity can only be a collection of individual identities of each person. Social activists will play a victim until one group gets totalitarian power over others and forces others to their own debilitating point of view.

It is not entirely their fault. This is a kind of trick on a weak human mind from politician's textbook, used to manipulate human emotions around the world. Otherwise, who would need a useless politician?
They are driven by the subconscious feeling that they are right and do well because their delusions are supported by a group of similarly useless people.

Believing the lies of our culture is a well known disease that will always end in a tragedy.

The spell can be broken as soon as each individual will ask themselves "Is what I'm believing true?"


@adamkokesh @dollarvigilante @larkenrose @wearechage @markwhittam

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