Larken Rose - Adam Kokesh Debate on Anarchast

I literally just watched this on YT. I don't want to take credit, but cant find it on anyone's steemit for a re-steem.
How do NONE of you have it up?? I've been wanted to hear this ever since hearing of Kokesh's run.

I've only voted once, lifetime. I tried to be a delegate for Ron Paul, and when he wasn't on the ticket I voted for.. ugh, Gary Johnson, as NV didn't allow a write in.. forgive me I know not what I do (or did)! I found that out at the ballot box.

Since then, I've gone further down the anarchist road, and try to be as pure as Larken (But I still do pay taxes, and follow the unjust laws, so I'm not THAT pure), but Kokesh's plan seems like a decent idea. At least to get the message of freedom out. No I don't think Kokesh is cointelpro. After hearing the debate, here are my two cents.. What do you think? I'm still up in the air.

I dunno.. I feel like if people werent threatened with jail to act in a voluntaryist way (not pay taxes, disobey laws), I think a lot of people would be acting voluntarily. That intimidation is exactly what stops people. I think if removing the federal power would be very productive (if even possible).

Larken totally makes the great point, that kokesh is using govt power (legitimizing it) to achive this 'freedom goal' However if Kokesh gets a ton of votes, that shows that people are intersted in dissolving govt in general. If no one votes, I dont see how just spreading the freedom message can ever get around the political system of coersion to actually have any change. I mean, this last election, 25% voted Clinton, 25% voted Trump, and 50% voted none. I've made this point on deaf ears to friends, and it hasn't changed anyone's mind. Maybe a few at least considered it. I guess I'm in the lot of, as Berwick says, if I could press a button and govt would go away, I'd probably press it.

I'm still torn because Larken is so pure in ideals but gives no course of action :/ If everyone was voluntaryist, the minimal state remaining would kill any sort of action, unless 100% of the people were voluntaryist (which I dont think is ever possible, or necessary). So an attempt to eliminate it (even if its using the system), seems reasonable, but totally can see the angle of reinforcing the system too. I dunno :/

Source Photo: thestudentteacherlife

Maybe the best thing is if Adam runs, loses, and the people create the voluntaryist societies anyway. I just don't see it possible with the existing govt force there.

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