Why Businesses Should be Free to Discriminate

A law that says a business can’t discriminate against people based on race, color, gender, or creed is not an anti-discrimination law, but an anti-business law. Those that support the law are not anti-discrimination, but anti-business.

I’ll prove they support the right to discriminate. Ask them if a customer can discriminate against the business owner. For example, suppose a person was about to buy a cake but finds the owner of the bakery is gay and now doesn’t want to. Should the law compel him too? Even those that say they are against discrimination wouldn’t support a law forcing the customer to do business with the business owner. Or another example: Do such people who support a law saying businesses can’t discriminate, support a law that says homeowners can’t discriminate, and that if a Jew, a black person, or a gay person wants to come to a party you are throwing you have to invite them in.

So the people who support the law which says businesses can’t discriminate based on race, color, gender, or creed, are not against discrimination based on such, since they are fine when homeowners do it and they are fine when the customer does it; it’s just not fine when a business does it. So it’s really an anti-business law disguised as an anti-discrimination law.

But those who think it should be illegal for a business to discriminate are not just anti-business, but pro-rape.

How are such people pro-rape you ask? Well I’ll show you and prove it.

Ask the people who think it should be illegal for businesses to discriminate if they believe a woman owns her body and has a right to control it. They will likely answer yes. Then ask them that if they believe a woman owns her body, for logical consistency, they must believe a woman has a right to be a prostitute and that laws which prohibit prostitution are unjust, since if a woman has a right to her body she has a right to rent it out. They will most likely agree with you that prostitution is a legitimate business.

Now if prostitution should be a legal business and it should be illegal for businesses to discriminate based on race, color, or creed, does that mean it should be illegal for a prostitute to discriminate based on race, color, gender, or creed? If your answer to that question is yes, a prostitute does have a right to choose who her customers are and should not be forced to have sex with those she doesn’t want to have sex with then you do believe businesses have a right to discriminate, you just arbitrarily say most businesses can’t discriminate, but others can. If your answer to that question is no, that it should be illegal for a prostitute to discriminate based on race, color, gender, or creed, then you believe the state should force a prostitute to do business with those she doesn’t want to do business with and since her business is having sex for money that means you support her being forced to have sex with people she does not want to have sex with. And we have a name for people who believing in forcing people to have sex with those they don’t want to have sex with and that is being pro-rape.

So yes, I believe businesses should be allowed to say, “we don’t serve Jews, blacks, or gays,” because taken to its logical conclusion (as I’ve shown), the alternative viewpoint is morally repugnant. 

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