Starve the Beast

People often ask me why I'm so interested in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is important because it allows people to conduct large scale commerce over the internet with much less risk of state interference. This has brought the Agonist dream of a large scale counter economy eclipsing the state controlled economy closer then ever to reality. 

Agorism's basic theory posits that when we conduct commerce in Black and Grey market's we starve the state of taxes, thus making society freer and bringing us closer to volunteerism.

We don't need to abolish the state in order to live free today. We simply have to start ignoring their rules. By conducting our business in the Black and Grey markets, while also avoiding immoral activity that infringes on the rights of others, we can starve them of resources and deprive them of any "moral high-ground" that they may try to cling to. In my opinion, this is the most promising method to create an anarchist society.

I'm very interested in projects like OpenBazaar for allowing people to conduct free commerce online. You can also participate in local swap meets and try growing your own food. There are dozens of ways each of us can start to build a freer world, one transaction at a time. Let me know in the comments how you conduct free commerce, and please share any ideas you have on ways we can bring the Agorist dream closer to reality.

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