=== Do we need a Government? ===

How does it come that a government has authority over us as individuals? What is this agreement where we get ‘protection of our rights and liberties’ in exchange for submitting to authority?

This contract is supposedly free to join but what if you don’t want to join? Is that a possibility?

I don’t have that feeling. Everywhere I want to go and live, I need a permission. Everything I want to own, is taxed. Everything I am doing, is tracked.

My identity belongs to a government since birth and that government will know about my whereabouts through her numerous worldwide embassies.

Governments are everywhere!

Help, I don’t want them!

Do we need them?


What is a government? How did it come into existence?

Humans tend to live together in groups and group-animals show certain characteristics. They fight over rights to food, space, sex with whom etc. You might counteract his but in this stage of humanity, I think that is a valid statement. Painful but true.

In the old times, much of these fights got resolved in a very natural way. The strongest would win or the strongest group would win. Alliances became important, joining the alliance would give protection and would take some personal freedom.

There are a lot more factors leading to the more complex government but it basically boils down to the principle of forming a strong bond together to defeat the other or shall I express it more softly? To defend what supposedly belongs to the formed alliance.

Once the alliance is formed, power is theirs. If you want to join, obey the rules!

Do we need a government?

Ha, we don’t need anything, the question is wrong. The question is what will happen if we decide to drop the whole thing.

I think it is important to realize that the same human behaviors will still be there. Person 1 wants something from person 2 and the game starts all over. Person 2 will have to use his intelligence or his power to defend himself or submit. This will happen all over society and some will be more successful than others. The more successful ones will have the same conflicts between themselves and the strongest/smartest of them will become the chief, leader, whatever you want to call it.

The chief will pick out some allies to help maintain his/her power and there we go, we would have this structure again which we could call government.

My first point in this post Is that we humans never decided to have governments, they just happened and as long we don’t evolve into the next higher awareness human being, some kind of government will always emerge whether we like it or not.

While I am anarchist in nature, I can’t deny my own conclusion here. I love to say F#@#$ the government but as long as we are humans, some structural organization will always pop up, it is unavoidable.

It is a difficult one for which I definitely don’t have a solution.

I have some hopes in blockchain technology. It might bring more transparency into our governmental structures and it is promising on the level of new structures. Another promising aspect is that we can maybe lower the currency manipulation and control. This will diminish the money power dominating our world society because the strongest in these days is not defined by muscles or intelligence, money is the new power.

I dream of an autonomous organization without anybody on the top really. Eliminating the middleman or not-needed man in politics probably means nobody is needed, I had a dream…


The ecotrain question of the week is “What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity?”

This is my twisted post around this and my answer is “Work on yourself”.

I once was told a beautiful story. Every human carries 2 bags. One is carried in front and contains all the mistakes of other people. The other is carried on the back and contains your own mistakes. We only see the bag in front, the mistakes of others. We should switch bags to make the world a better place.

I have lived in many countries and communities and always encountered the human behaviors I talked about in this post. You can argue and claim you live in the dream community but dreams are dreams and it would be better to become aware of these behaviors in yourself. Are you following big wallets and high reputations? Would you love to be a whale? Etc.

Unless we are catapulted to a higher awareness by faith, the most fruitful thing we can do is to cultivate our own higher awareness. There are many paths. I am not your guru but I try to be my own guru and what works best for me is very simple. I maintain inner silence for 10 minutes a day, i.c. I sit and become aware. It is pure magic that turns life into a never-ending flow of events that you don’t judge but merely witness.


Much love,


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