Do You Have The Right To Discriminate

Okay so some people would see the word discriminate and think BLACK AND WHITE or maybe MALE AND FEMALE, this shows that people have twisted the word to mean just bad things. Lets start by saying there are many good reason's that people discriminate (violent people/non-violent people) (Hard working people/Not hard working people).
We must also understand though there are bad reasons as well like Black v.s White people, now yes this would be wrong and not very good for expanding your trading opportunities. Just because it may be wrong to do it though does not mean that they are violent or causing harm to anyone or anyone's property, so you really can't do anything to someone who is just discriminating. I think a good example would be male and females, if I am looking to hire roofers for my crew and there is a male and a female who want the job, I may only want males because I already have pervert guys on the crew so I wouldn't be comfortable hiring a women. This would be a case of discrimination where some may think that would be a good reason and some may not, this does not mean that the government (A monopoly on force in a geographical area) should come and fine (steal) my property. Now I would hire a women if she was better then the male, but just because discriminating may be wrong it does not mean you are doing any harm (other then to your own reputation) So discriminating will not get you too far in life so there would be no need to make laws on it. If you want to look at bad discrimination then you should look at government, government discrimination is immoral, wrong, evil, and straight up unethical. Now you might be thinking, why? When the government (A monopoly on force) is discriminating and picking out the minority, freedom activist, alternative media, etc this makes doing these things a little scary. The government can spy on you (With nothing you can do about it, because you were born here) Plant drugs on you, do basically anything I mean they are the gang you can't win. Basically what I am saying is when government discriminates they use violence against the ones they don't like and let the ones they do like (there own) or (Good ole slave) get left alone. So Yes you have the right to discriminate and NO GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT EXIST (Abolitionist Movement)
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